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There are 12 five-letter words containing B, R and W

BAWRSBAWR n. (Scots) a joke, amusing incident, also BAUR.
BOWERbower n. A bedroom or private apartments, especially for a woman in a medieval castle.
bower n. (Literary) A dwelling; a picturesque country cottage, especially one that is used as a retreat.
bower n. A shady, leafy shelter or recess in a garden or woods.
BOWRSBOWR n. (Spenser) a muscle.
BRAWLbrawl n. A disorderly argument or fight, usually with a large number of people involved.
brawl v. (Intransitive) To engage in a brawl; to fight or quarrel.
brawl v. (Intransitive) To create a disturbance; to complain loudly.
BRAWNbrawn n. Strong muscles or lean flesh, especially of the arm, leg or thumb.
brawn n. Physical strength; muscularity.
brawn n. (Chiefly Britain) Head cheese; a terrine made from the head of a pig or calf; originally boar’s meat.
BRAWSBRAWS n. (Scots) fine clothes.
BREWSbrews n. Plural of brew.
brews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brew.
Brews prop.n. Plural of Brew.
BROWNbrown n. (Countable and uncountable) A colour like that of chocolate or coffee.
brown n. (Snooker, countable) One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 4 points.
brown n. (Uncountable) Black tar heroin.
BROWSbrows n. Plural of brow.
Brows prop.n. Plural of Brow.
BROW n. the eyebrow; the ridge over the eyes.
WARBSWARB n. (Australian slang) a dirty or insignificant person.
WARBYwarby adj. (Australia) unkempt; disreputable.
Warby prop.n. A surname from Old Norse.
WARBY adj. (Australian slang) worn out, decrepit.
WEBERweber n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of magnetic flux; the flux linking a circuit…
Weber prop.n. A surname from German [in turn originating as an occupation] from Weber (“weaver”).
Weber prop.n. A locale in the United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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