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There are 18 five-letter words containing B, E and Z

BAIZEbaize n. A thick, soft, usually woolen cloth resembling felt; often colored green and used for coverings on card…
baize n. (Dated) A coarse woolen material with a long nap; usually dyed in plain colors.
baize v. To cover or line with baize.
BEZELbezel n. The sloping edge or face on a cutting tool.
bezel n. The oblique side or face of a cut gem; especially the upper faceted portion of a brilliant (diamond)…
bezel n. The rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object, such as the crystal of a watch…
BEZESbezes n. Plural of bez.
BEZ n. the second tine of a deer's horn.
BEZILbezil n. Alternative form of bezel.
BEZIL n. the oblique side or face of a cut gem, also BEZEL.
BEZZYbezzy n. (Slang, UK) best friend.
bezzy adj. (Slang, UK, of a friend) best.
BEZZY n. (slang) one's best friend, also BESTIE, BEZZIE.
BIZESBIZE n. (French) a cold N or NE wind prevalent at certain seasons in and near Switzerland, also BISE.
BLAZEblaze n. A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light.
blaze n. Intense, direct light accompanied with heat.
blaze n. The white or lighter-coloured markings on a horse’s face.
BONZEbonze n. A Buddhist monk or priest in East Asia.
BONZE n. (Japanese) a Japanese or Chinese Buddhist religious teacher.
BOOZEbooze n. (Colloquial, uncountable) Any alcoholic beverage. (Especially hard liquor.)
booze n. (Colloquial, countable, archaic) A session of drinking alcohol; a drinking party.
booze v. (Slang) To drink alcohol.
BRAZEbraze v. (Transitive) To cover with brass, or as with brass.
braze v. To join two metal pieces, without melting them, using heat and diffusion of a jointing alloy of capillary thickness.
braze v. (Obsolete) To burn or temper in fire.
BRIZEbrize n. The breezefly.
BRIZE n. furnace refuse used in making breeze blocks.
BUAZEbuaze n. A strong fiber produced from Securidaca longipedunculata, a small tree of Africa.
BUAZE n. an African shrub, also BWAZI.
ZEBECzebec n. Alternative spelling of xebec.
Zebec prop.n. A Balkan surname from Serbo-Croatian.
ZEBEC n. a small, three-masted Mediterranean vessel with both square and triangular sails, also XEBEC, ZEBECK.
ZEBRAzebra n. Any of three species of subgenus Hippotigris: E. grevyi, E. quagga, or E. zebra, all with black and…
zebra n. (Sports, slang) A referee.
zebra n. (Medicine, slang) An unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment…
ZEBUBzebub n. (Archaic) Synonym of zimb.
ZEBUB n. (Arabic) an Ethiopian dipterous insect, also ZIMB.
ZEBUSzebus n. Plural of zebu.
ZEBU n. (French) a humped domestic ox.
ZIBETzibet n. (Archaic) The large Indian civet (Viverra zibetha).
ZIBET n. (Arabic) a civet cat, also ZIBETH.
ZINEBzineb n. An organic fungicide and insecticide sprayed on cereal grasses, fruit trees, etc.
ZINEB n. an organic fungicide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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