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There are 11 five-letter words containing B, E and F

BEEFSbeefs n. Plural of beef.
beefs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beef.
BEEF v. to grumble.
BEEFYbeefy adj. Similar to, or tasting like beef.
beefy adj. Containing beef.
beefy adj. (Informal) Strong or muscular.
BEFITbefit v. To be fit for.
BEFIT v. to be suitable for.
BEFOGbefog v. To envelop in fog or smoke.
befog v. To confuse, mystify (a person); to make less acute or perceptive, to cloud (a person’s faculties).
befog v. To obscure, make less clear (A subject, issue, etc.).
BOEUFBOEUF n. (French) beef, as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc. cooked in red wine.
BRIEFbrief adj. Of short duration; happening quickly.
brief adj. Concise; taking few words.
brief adj. Occupying a small distance, area or spatial extent; short.
BUFFEbuffe n. (Historical) A piece of armor covering either the entire face, or the lower face together with a visor…
BUFFA n. (Italian) the comic actress in an opera.
FABLEfable n. A fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept, usually with animals, etc…
fable n. Any story told to excite wonder; common talk; the theme of talk.
fable n. Fiction; untruth; falsehood.
FEEBSfeebs n. Plural of feeb.
Feebs n. Plural of Feeb.
FEEB n. (US) a weak ineffectual person, a wimp.
FIBERfiber n. (Countable) A single elongated piece of a given material, roughly round in cross-section, often twisted…
fiber n. (Uncountable) A material in the form of fibers.
fiber n. (Textiles) A material whose length is at least 1000 times its width.
FIBREfibre n. (Countable) A single piece of a given material, elongated and roughly round in cross-section, often…
fibre n. (Uncountable) Material in the form of fibres.
fibre n. Dietary fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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