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There are 19 four-letter words containing B, E and O

BEGObego v. (Archaic) To go about; encompass; surround; beset, surround with hostile intent; to overrun.
bego v. (Obsolete) To clothe, dress.
bego v. (Obsolete except in set phrases) To affect, usually as a good or bad influence, or as a circumstance.
BODEbode v. (Transitive, intransitive) To indicate by signs, as future events; to be an omen of; to portend or foretell.
bode v. (Intransitive, followed by "well", "ill", "no good", etc.) To betoken or augur something good or bad…
bode n. An omen; a foreshadowing.
BOEPboep n. (South Africa, slang) beer belly.
BOEP n. (South African) a protruding belly.
BOETboet n. (South Africa, informal) A brother; often prefixed informally to a man’s first name.
boet n. (South Africa, informal) A familiar form of address: pal, mate.
BOET n. (South African) a brother, or a buddy.
BOKEboke v. (Transitive, intransitive, UK dialectal) To thrust or push out; butt; poke.
boke v. (Intransitive) To retch or vomit.
Boke prop.n. A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Norman Hill Boke (1913-).
BOLEbole n. The trunk or stem of a tree.
bole n. Any of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually coloured red by iron oxide, and composed essentially…
bole n. (Colour) The shade of reddish brown which resembles this clay.
BONEbone n. (Uncountable) A composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up…
bone n. (Countable) Any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.
bone n. A bone of a fish; a fishbone.
BOREbore v. (Transitive) To inspire boredom in somebody.
bore v. (Transitive) To make a hole through something.
bore v. (Intransitive) To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the…
BOTEbote n. Atonement, compensation, amends, satisfaction; as, manbote, a compensation for a man slain.
bote n. A privilege or allowance of necessaries, especially in feudal times.
bote n. A right to take wood from property not one’s own.
DOBEdobe n. Clipping of adobe.
DOBE n. an unburned, sun-dried brick made of clay and straw, also ADOBE, DOBIE, DOBY.
EBONebon n. (Now poetic) Ebony; an ebony tree.
ebon adj. (Poetic) Made of ebony.
ebon adj. (Poetic) Black in colour.
JOBEjobe v. To harangue, to rebuke in a long-winded or drawn-out way.
Jobe prop.n. A surname.
JOBE v. to reprimand tediously.
LOBElobe n. Any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat rounded form.
lobe n. (Anatomy) A clear division of an organ that can be determined at the gross anatomy level, especially…
lobe n. (Figure skating) A semicircular pattern left on the ice as the skater travels across it.
MOBEmobe n. (Britain, informal) A mobile phone.
MOBE n. (slang) a mobile phone, also MOBEY, MOBIE, MOBY.
OBESobes n. Plural of obe.
OBEs n. Plural of OBE.
OBE n. a form of West Indian witchcraft, also OBEAH, OBI, OBIA.
OBEYobey v. (Transitive) To do as ordered by (a person, institution etc), to act according to the bidding of.
obey v. (Intransitive) To do as one is told.
obey v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To be obedient, compliant (To a given law, restriction etc.).
OBOEoboe n. A soprano and melody wind instrument in the modern orchestra and wind ensemble. It is a smaller instrument…
OBOE n. a kind of woodwind instrument.
ROBErobe n. A long loose outer garment, often signifying honorary stature.
robe n. (US) The skin of an animal, especially the bison, dressed with the fur on, and used as a wrap.
robe n. A wardrobe, especially one built into a bedroom.
YEBOyebo adv. (South Africa) yes.
YEBO interj. (South African) yes, I agree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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