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There are 7 four-letter words containing B, E and M

BEAMbeam n. Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
beam n. One of the principal horizontal structural members, usually of steel, timber, or concrete, of a building;…
beam n. (Nautical) The maximum width of a vessel (note that a vessel with a beam of 15 foot can also be said…
BEMAbema n. A platform from which speakers addressed an assembly.
bema n. Raised area of worship in a synagogue upon which rests the Holy Ark containing Scrolls of Torah.
BEMA n. (Greek) a platform in a synagogue, also BIMA, BIMAH.
BERMberm n. A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.
berm n. A raised bank or path, especially the bank of a canal opposite the towpath.
berm n. A terrace formed by wave action along a beach.
KEMBkemb v. Obsolete form of comb.
kemb n. Obsolete form of comb.
KEMB v. (dialect) to comb.
MABEmabe n. A mabe pearl.
Mabe prop.n. A surname.
MABE n. a cultured pearl.
MOBEmobe n. (Britain, informal) A mobile phone.
MOBE n. (slang) a mobile phone, also MOBEY, MOBIE, MOBY.
WEMBWEMB n. (dialect) womb, also WAME, WEAMB, WEM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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