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There are 20 words containing A, R, 4S, T and U

ABSTRUSENESSabstruseness n. The property of being abstruse; abstrusity.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.
ABSTRUSENESSESabstrusenesses n. Plural of abstruseness.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.
ATROCIOUSNESSESATROCIOUSNESS n. the state of being atrocious.
AUSTERENESSESAUSTERENESS n. the state of being austere.
CUSTOMARINESSESCUSTOMARINESS n. the state of being customary.
FEATURELESSNESSfeaturelessness n. The state or condition of being featureless.
FEATURELESS n. without features.
MASTERFULNESSESmasterfulnesses n. Plural of masterfulness.
MASTERFULNESS n. MASTERFUL, exercising the authority, skill or power of a master.
PRESSURISATIONSpressurisations n. Plural of pressurisation.
PRESSURISATION n. the act of pressurising, also PRESSURIZATION.
RAPTUROUSNESSESRAPTUROUSNESS n. the state of being rapturous.
SALUTARINESSESSALUTARINESS n. the state of being salutary.
SAUSSURITESsaussurites n. Plural of saussurite.
SAUSSURITE n. a dull opaque mass of zoisite, albite, etc., formed by the alteration of feldspar.
SPIRITUALNESSESSPIRITUALNESS n. the state of being spiritual.
STEGOSAURUSESstegosauruses n. Plural of stegosaurus.
STEGOSAURUS n. a herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period, also STEGOSAUR.
STRABISMUSESstrabismuses n. Plural of strabismus.
STRABISMUS n. a squint, also STRABISM.
SUPPRESSANTSsuppressants n. Plural of suppressant.
SUPPRESSANT n. a drug that tends to suppress or reduce in intensity rather than eliminate something.
TRANSFUSIONISTStransfusionists n. Plural of transfusionist.
TRANSFUSIONIST n. a doctor who performs transfusions.
TRANSSEXUALISMSTRANSSEXUALISM n. the state of being a transsexual.
TYRANNOUSNESSESTYRANNOUSNESS n. the state of being tyrannous.
WASTERFULNESSESWASTERFULNESS n. the state of being wasterful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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