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There are 14 words containing A, N, 2O, Q, S, T and U

ANTIMOSQUITOantimosquito adj. Countering mosquitos.
ANTIMOSQUITO adj. designed to repel mosquitoes.
COLLIQUATIONScolliquations n. Plural of colliquation.
COLLIQUATION n. the process of melting or wasting away.
COLOQUINTIDAScoloquintidas n. Plural of coloquintida.
COLOQUINTIDA n. (Greek) a cucurbitaceous plant with bitter-tasting gourds, also COLOCYNTH.
CONQUISTADORconquistador n. A conqueror, but especially one of the Spanish soldiers that invaded Central and South America otherwise…
CONQUISTADOR n. (Spanish) a conqueror; specifically any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent.
CONQUISTADORESconquistadores n. Plural of conquistador.
CONQUISTADOR n. (Spanish) a conqueror; specifically any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent.
CONQUISTADORSconquistadors n. Plural of conquistador.
CONQUISTADOR n. (Spanish) a conqueror; specifically any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent.
EQUIVOCATIONSequivocations n. Plural of equivocation.
EQUIVOCATION n. the use of equivocal or doubtful words.
MISQUOTATIONmisquotation n. An incorrect quotation.
MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation.
MISQUOTATIONSmisquotations n. Plural of misquotation.
MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation.
OBLIQUATIONSOBLIQUATION n. (obsolete) obliqueness.
PLASTOQUINONEplastoquinone n. (Biochemistry) a quinone, related to the carotenoids, involved in the electron transport process of photosynthesis.
PLASTOQUINONE n. a plant substance that is related to vitamin K and plays a role in photosynthetic phosphorylation.
PLASTOQUINONESplastoquinones n. Plural of plastoquinone.
PLASTOQUINONE n. a plant substance that is related to vitamin K and plays a role in photosynthetic phosphorylation.
QUATTROCENTOSQUATTROCENTO n. (Italian) the fifteenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, architecture, etc. of this period.
QUOTATIONSquotations n. Plural of quotation.
QUOTATION n. something quoted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 269 words
  • Scrabble in French: 186 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 99 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 97 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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