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There are 14 words containing A, M, 2N, S, T, U and Y

ANTONYMOUSantonymous adj. Having an opposite or diametrically opposite meaning.
antonymous adj. Of, or being an antonym; antonymic.
ANTONYMOUS adj. relating to an antonym, a word opposite in meaning to another.
AYUNTAMIENTOSayuntamientos n. Plural of ayuntamiento.
AYUNTAMIENTO n. (Spanish) a municipal council.
INSTRUMENTALITYinstrumentality n. (Uncountable) The quality or condition of being instrumental; serving a purpose, being useful.
instrumentality n. (Countable, law) A governmental organ with a specific purpose.
instrumentality n. (Countable) Something that is instrumental; an instrument.
INSTRUMENTALLYinstrumentally adv. By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end.
instrumentally adv. With instruments of music.
INSTRUMENTAL adv. nonvocal.
INSURMOUNTABLYinsurmountably adv. In an insurmountable manner.
insurmountably adv. To an insurmountable extent.
INSURMOUNTABLE adv. incapable of being surmounted.
MOUNTAINOUSLYmountainously adv. In a mountainous manner.
MOUNTAINOUS adv. having mountains.
SANCTIMONIOUSLYsanctimoniously adv. In a sanctimonious manner.
SANCTIMONIOUS adv. hypocritically pious or devout.
SUBMONTANELYSUBMONTANE adv. situated on or characteristic of the lower slopes of a mountain range.
UNCOMPLAISANTLYuncomplaisantly adv. In an uncomplaisant manner.
UNCOMPLAISANT adv. not complaisant.
UNDERLAYMENTSunderlayments n. Plural of underlayment.
UNDERLAYMENT n. the act of underlaying.
UNDERPAYMENTSunderpayments n. Plural of underpayment.
UNDERPAYMENT n. an insufficient payment.
UNSENTIMENTALLYunsentimentally adv. In an unsentimental way.
UNSYMPATHISINGunsympathising adj. Alternative form of unsympathizing.
UNSYMPATHISING adj. not sympathising, also UNSYMPATHIZING.
UNSYMPATHIZINGunsympathizing adj. Failing to sympathize; lacking sympathy.
UNSYMPATHIZING adj. not sympathizing, also UNSYMPATHISING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 428 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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