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There are 20 words containing A, M, 2N, R, S, T and V

CONVERSATIONISMconversationism n. A word or phrase used in conversation; a colloquialism.
CONVERSATIONISM n. a colloquialism.
ENDEAVOURMENTSendeavourments n. Plural of endeavourment.
ENDEAVOURMENT n. (Spenser) endeavour.
GOVERNMENTALISEgovernmentalise v. Alternative form of governmentalize.
GOVERNMENTALISE v. to make governmental, also GOVERNMENTALIZE.
GOVERNMENTALISMgovernmentalism n. (Sociology) Synonym of governmentality.
GOVERNMENTALISM n. a theory advocating extension of the sphere and degree of government activity.
GOVERNMENTALISTgovernmentalist n. One who supports, or who works within, a government.
GOVERNMENTALIST n. an exponent of governmentalism.
INFORMATIVENESSinformativeness n. The condition of being informative; clarity.
INFORMATIVE n. imparting knowledge.
INTERWEAVEMENTSinterweavements n. Plural of interweavement.
INTERWEAVEMENT n. the act of interweaving.
MANSERVANTmanservant n. A male servant.
MANSERVANT n. a male servant.
MENSERVANTSmenservants n. Plural of manservant.
MANSERVANT n. a male servant.
NEOCONSERVATISMneoconservatism n. (US) A right wing political movement that opposes liberalism in economic areas and supports an interventionist…
NEOCONSERVATISM n. the state of being a neoconservative, a former liberal espousing political conservatism.
NORMATIVENESSnormativeness n. The quality or state of being normative.
NORMATIVE n. of or relating to a norm; establishing a standard.
NORMATIVENESSESNORMATIVENESS n. NORMATIVE, of or relating to a norm; establishing a standard.
OVERMANAGEMENTSSorry, definition not available.
OVERORNAMENTSoverornaments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overornament.
OVERORNAMENT v. to ornament excessively.
TRANSMOVINGtransmoving v. Present participle of transmove.
TRANSMOVE v. (Spenser) to transmute, also TRANSMEW.
UNDEMONSTRATIVEundemonstrative adj. Not given to showing emotion or feelings; reserved or distant.
UNDEMONSTRATIVE adj. restrained in expression of feeling.
UNRAVELMENTSunravelments n. Plural of unravelment.
UNRAVELMENT n. the state of being unravelled.
VERMINATIONSverminations n. Plural of vermination.
VERMINATION n. worm infestation; worm breeding.
VERUMONTANUMSVERUMONTANUM n. a ridge on the male urethra where the duct conveying prostatic fluid, sperm and other fluids enters it.
VESTIMENTIFERANvestimentiferan n. (Biology, archaic) Any benthic marine tube worm of the phylum Vestimentifera, now usually considered…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 437 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 114 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 35 words

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