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There are 19 words containing A, 2M, O, R and 3S

COMMISSAIREScommissaires n. Plural of commissaire.
COMMISSAIRE n. in professional cycle racing, a referee who travels in an open-topped car with the riders to witness any infringement of the rules.
COMMISSARIATScommissariats n. Plural of commissariat.
COMMISSARIAT n. a department, esp. military, for the supply of food etc.; food supplied; a government department in the USSR.
COMMISSARIEScommissaries n. Plural of commissary.
COMMISSARY n. one to whom is committed some charge, duty, or office, by a superior power.
COMMISSARScommissars n. Plural of commissar.
COMMISSAR n. the head of a government department in the USSR.
COMMISSARYSHIPcommissaryship n. The position or employment of a commissary.
COMMISSARYSHIP n. the office of commissary.
COMMISSARYSHIPScommissaryships n. Plural of commissaryship.
COMMISSARYSHIP n. the office of commissary.
COMMISSIONAIREScommissionaires n. Plural of commissionaire.
COMMISSIONAIRE n. a uniformed attendant.
IMMISERISATIONSIMMISERISATION n. progressive impoverishment or degradation, also IMMISERATION, IMMISERIZATION.
MASSYMORESmassymores n. Plural of massymore.
MASSYMORE n. (Scott) a subterranean prison, also MATTAMORE.
MESMERISATIONSmesmerisations n. Plural of mesmerisation.
MESMERISATION n. the process of mesmerising, also MESMERIZATION.
MOMENTARINESSESmomentarinesses n. Plural of momentariness.
MOMENTARINESS n. the state of being momentary.
SEISMOGRAMSseismograms n. Plural of seismogram.
SEISMOGRAM n. a seismograph record.
SERVOMECHANISMSservomechanisms n. Plural of servomechanism.
servo-mechanisms n. Plural of servo-mechanism.
SERVOMECHANISM n. an automatic device for controlling large amounts of power by means of very small amounts of power and automatically correcting the performance of a mechanism.
STRABISMOMETERSstrabismometers n. Plural of strabismometer.
STRABISMOMETER n. an instrument measuring the degree of strabismus in the eyes, also STRABOMETER.
SUMMARISATIONSsummarisations n. Plural of summarisation.
SUMMARISATION n. the act of summarising, also SUMMARIZATION.
SYMMETRISATIONSsymmetrisations n. Plural of symmetrisation.
SYMMETRISATION n. the act of symmetrising, also SYMMETRIZATION.
TRANSFORMISMStransformisms n. Plural of transformism.
TRANSFORMISM n. the theory of the mutability of species.
TRANSMISSOMETERtransmissometer n. An optical instrument used to measure the transmission of light through a material; typically used to…
TRANSMISSOMETER n. an instrument for measuring transmission of light through a fluid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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