ANTIFERTILITY | • antifertility adj. That reduces fertility. • antifertility adj. Contraceptive. • ANTIFERTILITY adj. capable of or tending to reduce or destroy fertility. |
ANTIRATIONALITY | • antirationality n. The quality of being antirational. • ANTIRATIONALITY n. being opposed to rationality. |
ATTRACTINGLY | • attractingly adv. In such a way as to attract. • ATTRACTING adv. ATTRACT, to cause to approach or adhere. |
CONTRACTABILITY | • contractability n. The ability for something to be contracted. • CONTRACTABILITY n. the quality of being contractable. |
CONTRACTIBILITY | • contractibility n. The quality or degree of being contractible. • CONTRACTIBILITY n. the state of being contractible. |
CONTRACTILITY | • contractility n. The condition of being able to contract or shrink (used especially of muscles). • contractility n. The extent to which something contracts or shrinks. • contractility n. (Physiology) The performance of cardiac muscle. (Can we add an example for this sense?) |
EXTORTIONATELY | • extortionately adv. In an extortionate manner; in a manner that greatly exceeds what is reasonable or moderate. • EXTORTIONATE adv. characterized by extortion. |
INSTRUMENTALITY | • instrumentality n. (Uncountable) The quality or condition of being instrumental; serving a purpose, being useful. • instrumentality n. (Countable, law) A governmental organ with a specific purpose. • instrumentality n. (Countable) Something that is instrumental; an instrument. |
INTERSTITIALLY | • interstitially adv. In an interstitial way. • INTERSTITIAL adv. occurring in an interstice. |
INTERTEXTUALITY | • intertextuality n. The idea that a given text is a response to what has already been written, be it explicit or implicit. • intertextuality n. The reference to another separate and distinct text within a text. • INTERTEXTUALITY n. the complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as basic to the creation or interpretation of the text. |
INTERTEXTUALLY | • intertextually adv. In an intertextual manner. • INTERTEXTUAL adv. of or like an intertext. |
INTRACTABILITY | • intractability n. The state of being intractable; intractableness. • INTRACTABILITY n. the state of being intractable. |
TESTAMENTARILY | • testamentarily adv. By means of or in terms of a will. • TESTAMENTARY adv. relating to a testament or will; bequeathed or done by will, also TESTAMENTAL, TESTAMENTAR. |
TORRENTIALITY | • torrentiality n. The quality of being torrential. • TORRENTIALITY n. the state of being torrential. |
TRADITIONALITY | • traditionality n. The state or condition of being traditional. • TRADITIONALITY n. the state of being traditional. |
TRANSLATABILITY | • translatability n. The quality or property of being translatable; ability to be translated. • TRANSLATABILITY n. the state of being translatable. |
TRANSMUTABILITY | • transmutability n. The ability to be transmuted. • TRANSMUTABILITY n. the quality of being transmutable. |
UNATTRACTIVELY | • unattractively adv. In an unattractive manner. • UNATTRACTIVE adv. not attractive. |
UNATTRIBUTABLY | • unattributably adv. In an unattributable manner. |