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There are 15 words containing A, L, M, N, 2R, S and Y

CYBERCRIMINALScybercriminals n. Plural of cybercriminal.
CYBERCRIMINAL n. one who commits cybercrime, computer-related crime.
DYSMENORRHEALdysmenorrheal adj. Relating to dysmenorrhea.
DYSMENORRHEAL adj. suffering from dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation, also DYSMENORRHOEAL.
DYSMENORRHOEALdysmenorrhoeal adj. Alternative form of dysmenorrheal.
dysmenorrhœal adj. Obsolete form of dysmenorrheal.
DYSMENORRHOEAL adj. suffering from dysmenorrhoea, painful menstruation, also DYSMENORRHEAL.
EMBARRASSINGLYembarrassingly adv. In an embarrassing manner.
embarrassingly adv. To the point of embarrassment; to an extreme or bewildering degree.
embarrassingly adv. Causing embarrassment.
HYPERADRENALISMhyperadrenalism n. (Pathology) An excessive level of adrenal hormones in the body.
HYPERADRENALISM n. excessive activity of the adrenal gland.
INTERPAROXYSMALinterparoxysmal adj. Between paroxysms.
INTERPAROXYSMAL adj. between paroxysms.
INTRAMUSCULARLYintramuscularly adv. In an intramuscular manner; within a muscle.
INTRAMUSCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entering a muscle.
PREMENSTRUALLYpremenstrually adv. Before menstruation or its initial onset.
PREMENSTRUAL adv. taking place before menstruation.
REMONSTRANTLYremonstrantly adv. In a remonstrant manner.
REMONSTRANT adv. remonstrating.
REMONSTRATINGLYremonstratingly adv. With remonstrations.
REMONSTRATING adv. REMONSTRATE, to protest, to expostulate.
REMONSTRATIVELYremonstratively adv. In a manner characterized by remonstration.
REMONSTRATIVE adv. expressing remonstration.
SALMONBERRYsalmonberry n. A bush, Rubus spectabilis, found on the Pacific coast of North America.
salmonberry n. The fruit from this bush, similar in appearance and texture to the blackberry and raspberry.
SALMONBERRY n. a salmon-coloured North American raspberry.
SUPERNORMALITYsupernormality n. The state or condition of being supernormal.
SUPERNORMALITY n. the state of being supernormal.
SUPERNORMALLYsupernormally adv. In a supernormal fashion.
SUPERNORMAL adv. exceeding the normal or average.
TRANSDERMALLYtransdermally adv. In a transdermal manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 564 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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