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There are 19 words containing A, 2L, O, S, T and 2U

ADULTEROUSLYadulterously adv. In an adulterous manner.
ADULTEROUS adv. relating to, characterized by, or given to adultery.
ALTOCUMULUSaltocumulus n. (Physics, meteorology) A fleecy cloud formation consisting of large whitish or greyish globular cloudlets…
ALTOCUMULUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
LACTIFLUOUSlactifluous adj. Flowing with milk.
LACTIFLUOUS adj. flowing with milk.
MULTIFARIOUSLYmultifariously adv. In a multifarious manner.
MULTIFARIOUS adv. having great diversity; manifold.
MUSCULOSKELETALmusculoskeletal adj. Of, or relating to both muscles and the skeleton.
MUSCULOSKELETAL adj. of, relating to, or involving both musculature and skeleton.
PATULOUSLYpatulously adv. In a patulous manner.
PATULOUS adv. spreading, open, also PATULENT.
PLATITUDINOUSLYplatitudinously adv. In the manner of a platitude.
PLATITUDINOUS adv. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
PULLULATIONSpullulations n. Plural of pullulation.
PULLULATION n. the act of pullulating.
SIMULTANEOUSLYsimultaneously adv. Occurring at the same time.
SIMULTANEOUS adv. existing or occurring at the same time.
SLAUGHTEROUSLYslaughterously adv. In a slaughterous fashion.
SLAUGHTEROUS adv. of or relating to slaughter.
SOCIOCULTURALsociocultural adj. Of or relating to both society and culture.
socio-cultural adj. Alternative form of sociocultural.
SOCIOCULTURAL adj. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors.
SOCIOCULTURALLYsocioculturally adv. In a sociocultural context.
SOCIOCULTURAL adv. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors.
SOLIDUNGULATEsolidungulate n. (Zoology) A mammal having a single hoof on each foot.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
SOLIDUNGULATESsolidungulates n. Plural of solidungulate.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
TAUTOLOGOUSLYtautologously adv. In a tautologous manner.
TAUTOLOGOUS adv. involving or containing rhetorical tautology.
ULTRAGLAMOROUSultraglamorous adj. Extremely glamorous.
ULTRAGLAMOROUS adj. extremely glamorous.
ULTRALUMINOUSultraluminous adj. Very luminous.
ULTRARELIGIOUSultrareligious adj. Extremely religious.
ULULATIONSululations n. Plural of ululation.
ULULATION n. a howling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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