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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, L, O, 2R, S, T and Y

CONTRARIOUSLYcontrariously adv. (Obsolete) Contrarily; oppositely.
CONTRARIOUS adv. (archaic) contrary, perverse, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARY.
ERYTHROBLASTSerythroblasts n. Plural of erythroblast.
ERYTHROBLAST n. a cell in bone marrow that develops into an erythrocyte.
MARTYROLOGIESmartyrologies n. Plural of martyrology.
MARTYROLOGY n. the study of martyrs.
MARTYROLOGISTmartyrologist n. One who studies martyrology.
MARTYROLOGIST n. a writer of or a specialist in martyrology.
MICROCRYSTALSmicrocrystals n. Plural of microcrystal.
MICROCRYSTAL n. a microscopic crystal.
NORTHEASTERLYnortheasterly adj. Situated in, or pointing towards, the northeast.
northeasterly adj. (Of a wind etc) Coming from the northeast.
northeasterly n. A persistent wind from the northeast.
OVEREARNESTLYoverearnestly adv. In an overearnest manner.
POLYARTHRITISpolyarthritis n. (Pathology) Any arthritis affecting five or more joints, often caused by an autoimmune disorder.
POLYARTHRITIS n. arthritis affecting several joints.
REMONSTRANTLYremonstrantly adv. In a remonstrant manner.
REMONSTRANT adv. remonstrating.
RESTORATIVELYrestoratively adv. In a restorative manner.
RESTORATIVE adv. serving to restore to consciousness, vigor, or health.
SCLEROTHERAPYsclerotherapy n. (Surgery) A treatment for varicose veins and hemorrhoids involving an injection of material into a blood…
SYNARTHRODIALsynarthrodial adj. Relating to synarthrosis.
SYNARTHRODIAL adj. of, relating to, or being a synarthrosis.
TEMERARIOUSLYtemerariously adv. In a temerarious manner; boldly.
TEMERARIOUS adv. rashly or presumptuously daring, also TEMEROUS.
TETRAPYRROLEStetrapyrroles n. Plural of tetrapyrrole.
TETRAPYRROLE n. a chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings joined either in a straight chain or in a ring, as in chlorophyll.
TRANSPORTEDLYtransportedly adv. In a state of transport (Of joy, etc.).
TREACHEROUSLYtreacherously adv. In a treacherous manner.
TREACHEROUS adv. characterized by treachery.
ULTRAROYALISTultraroyalist n. (Historical) A member of a reactionary faction which sat in the French parliament from 1815 to 1830…
ultraroyalist n. A person or group that favours monarchy and opposes liberal, republican, and democrat ideas; a person…
ULTRAROYALIST n. an extreme royalist.
WHOREMASTERLYwhoremasterly adj. Having the character of a whoremaster; lecherous; libidinous.
WHOREMASTERLY adj. like a whoremaster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 116 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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