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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, L, M, N, O, S, U and Y

AUTONOMOUSLYautonomously adv. In an autonomous or self-governing manner.
AUTONOMOUS adv. of, relating to, or marked by autonomy.
CALUMNIOUSLYcalumniously adv. In the manner of a falsification intended to discredit another.
CALUMNIOUS adv. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CONSUMMATELYconsummately adv. In a consummate manner.
CONSUMMATE adv. finished, complete.
EQUANIMOUSLYequanimously adv. In an equanimous manner.
EQUANIMOUS adv. of an even, composed frame of mind.
HARMONIOUSLYharmoniously adv. In a harmonious manner; coordinately.
HARMONIOUS adv. musically concordant.
INCONSUMABLYinconsumably adv. Such that it cannot be consumed or used up; inexhaustibly.
INCONSUMABLE adv. not capable of being consumed.
MALONYLUREASmalonylureas n. Plural of malonylurea.
MALONYLUREA n. another name for barbituric acid.
MEMBRANOUSLYmembranously adv. In a membranous manner.
MENDACIOUSLYmendaciously adv. In a lying or deceitful manner.
MENDACIOUS adv. telling lies, esp. habitually.
MONOGAMOUSLYmonogamously adv. In a monogamous manner.
MONOGAMOUS adv. relating to monogamy, also MONOGAMISTIC.
PARONYMOUSLYparonymously adv. In a paronymous way.
PARONYMOUS adv. having the nature of a paronym.
POLYGONATUMSPOLYGONATUM n. the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family.
SCAPULOMANCYscapulomancy n. Alternative form of scapulimancy.
SCAPULOMANCY n. divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire, also SCAPULIMANCY.
SOMNAMBULARYsomnambulary adj. Relating to sleepwalking.
SOMNAMBULARY adj. relating to somnambulation, sleepwalking, also SOMNAMBULAR.
SUBMONTANELYSUBMONTANE adv. situated on or characteristic of the lower slopes of a mountain range.
SUBNORMALITYsubnormality n. The state or condition of being subnormal.
SUBNORMALITY n. the state of being subnormal.
UNHANDSOMELYunhandsomely adv. In an unhandsome manner.
UNHANDSOME adv. not handsome.
VOLUNTARYISMvoluntaryism n. Alternative form of voluntarism.
VOLUNTARYISM n. the principle or practice of reliance on voluntary action, not coercion.
ZANTHOXYLUMSzanthoxylums n. Plural of zanthoxylum.
ZANTHOXYLUM n. a plant of a genus of the rue family found in Brazil, in particular the prickly-ash or Hercules club, also XANTHOXYL, ZANTHOXYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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