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There are 12 words containing A, I, P, R, T, U, V and Y

PREFIGURATIVELYprefiguratively adv. In a prefigurative manner.
PREFIGURATIVE adv. relating to prefiguration.
PURGATIVELYpurgatively adv. In a purgative manner; so as to purge.
PURGATIVE adv. serving to purge.
REDUPLICATIVELYreduplicatively adv. In a reduplicative manner.
REDUPLICATIVE adv. relating to reduplication.
REPUTATIVELYreputatively adv. (Archaic) reputedly.
REPUTATIVE adv. reputed, putative.
SUPERACTIVITYsuperactivity n. A state of heightened or excessive activity.
superactivity n. A scout group activity involving adventure away from home.
SUPERACTIVITY n. the state of being superactive.
SUPERGRAVITYsupergravity n. (Physics) A field theory combining supersymmetry and general relativity.
SUPERGRAVITY n. any of various theories in physics that are based on supersymmetry and attempt to unify general relativity and quantum theory and that state that the principal transmitter of gravity is the graviton.
SUPERLATIVELYsuperlatively adv. In a superlative manner; in the greatest possible way.
SUPERLATIVE adv. excelling.
SUPRAVITALLYsupravitally adv. In a supravital manner.
SUPRAVITAL adv. relating to the staining of living tissues.
UNCOOPERATIVELYuncooperatively adv. In an uncooperative manner.
UNCOOPERATIVE adv. not cooperative.
VAPOURABILITYvapourability n. Alternative form of vaporability.
VAPOURABILITY n. the capacity to be vaporised, also VAPORABILITY.
VITUPERATIVELYvituperatively adv. In a vituperative manner.
VITUPERATIVE adv. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.
VITUPERATORYvituperatory adj. Vituperative.
VITUPERATORY adj. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 163 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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