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There are 15 words containing A, I, L, 3O, R and V

LAEVOROTATIONlaevorotation n. Alternative form of levorotation.
lævorotation n. Obsolete form of levorotation.
LAEVOROTATION n. counterclockwise rotation.
OVEREMOTIONALoveremotional adj. Showing too much emotion.
OVEREMOTIONAL adj. excessively emotional.
COEVOLUTIONARYcoevolutionary adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by coevolution.
COEVOLUTIONARY adj. relating to coevolution.
CONVOLUTIONARYCONVOLUTIONARY adj. of or like convolution.
LAEVOROTATIONSlaevorotations n. Plural of laevorotation.
lævorotations n. Plural of lævorotation.
LAEVOROTATION n. counterclockwise rotation.
MACROEVOLUTIONmacroevolution n. Large-scale patterns or processes in the history of life, including the origins of novel organism designs…
MACROEVOLUTION n. evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes, as in species formation.
OVERPOPULATIONoverpopulation n. (Biology, demography) An excessive number of occupants (People, animals, plants, etc.) in a particular…
OVERPOPULATION n. population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration.
VIBROFLOTATIONvibroflotation n. A form of vibrocompaction using horizontal vibrations and the injection of fluid.
VIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand.
CORROBORATIVELYcorroboratively adv. In a corroborative manner.
CORROBORATIVE adv. serving to corroborate.
MACROEVOLUTIONSmacroevolutions n. Plural of macroevolution.
MACROEVOLUTION n. evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes, as in species formation.
OVERELABORATIONoverelaboration n. Excessive elaboration; going into too much detail.
OVERELABORATION n. excessive elaboration.
OVEREMOTIONALLYoveremotionally adv. In an overemotional manner.
OVERPOPULATIONSoverpopulations n. Plural of overpopulation.
OVERPOPULATION n. population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration.
OVOVIVIPAROUSLYovoviviparously adv. In an ovoviviparous manner.
OVOVIVIPAROUS adv. producing eggs which are hatched in the parent's body.
VIBROFLOTATIONSVIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 441 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 59 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 370 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 226 words

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