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There are 13 words containing A, I, 2L, O and 3T

CYTOSTATICALLYcytostatically adv. In a cytostatic manner.
CYTOSTATIC adv. tending to retard cellular activity and multiplication.
INSTITUTIONALLYinstitutionally adv. In an institutional manner.
institutionally adv. Throughout an institution.
INSTITUTIONAL adv. of or relating to an institution, also INSTITUTIONARY.
MULTIPOTENTIALmultipotential n. (Biology) The differentiation potential of a multipotent cell.
MULTIPOTENTIAL adj. having the potential of becoming any of several mature cell types.
PHOTOTACTICALLYphototactically adv. In terms of or by means of phototaxis.
PHOTOTACTIC adv. exhibiting phototaxis.
TALLITOTtallitot n. Plural of tallit.
TALLIT n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIS.
TALLITOTHtallitoth n. Plural of tallit.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TATTERDEMALLION n. a person in ragged clothes, also TATTERDEMALION.
TEETOTALLINGteetotalling adj. Britain standard spelling of teetotaling.
TEETOTAL v. to practise or advocate teetotalism.
TITILLATIONtitillation n. A pleasurable or sexually exciting sensation.
titillation n. The process or outcome of titillating.
TITILLATION n. the act of titillating.
TITILLATIONStitillations n. Plural of titillation.
TITILLATION n. the act of titillating.
TITILLATORtitillator n. A person who titillates.
TITILLATOR n. one who titillates.
TITILLATORStitillators n. Plural of titillator.
TITILLATOR n. one who titillates.
ULTRAFILTRATIONultrafiltration n. Filtration through a semipermeable membrane that only allows small molecules through.
ULTRAFILTRATION n. filtration through a medium (as a semipermeable capillary wall) which allows small molecules (as of water) to pass but holds back larger ones (as of protein).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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