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There are 20 words containing A, I, K, L, 2S and 2T

STALKIESTstalkiest adj. Superlative form of stalky: most stalky.
STALKY adj. long and slender.
KLINOSTATSklinostats n. Plural of klinostat.
KLINOSTAT n. a revolving stand for experimenting with growing plants.
MILKTOASTSmilktoasts n. Plural of milktoast.
milk␣toasts n. Plural of milk toast.
MILKTOAST n. a very timid, unassertive person, also MILQUETOAST.
MULTITASKSmultitasks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of multitask.
MULTITASK v. to work at several different tasks simultaneously.
TAILSTOCKStailstocks n. Plural of tailstock.
TAILSTOCK n. a slidable casting mounted on a lathe, aligned with the headstock, used to support the free end of the piece being worked on.
SLACKTIVISTslacktivist n. (Derogatory) One who partakes in slacktivism.
SLACKTIVIST n. one who engages in slacktivism, also SLACTIVIST.
KINETOPLASTSkinetoplasts n. Plural of kinetoplast.
KINETOPLAST n. a DNA body located near the base of the flagellum in flagellate protozoa, also KINETONUCLEUS.
MULTITASKERSmultitaskers n. Plural of multitasker.
PLASTICKIESTPLASTICKY adj. of a plastic nature.
SLACKTIVISTSslacktivists n. Plural of slacktivist.
SLACKTIVIST n. one who engages in slacktivism, also SLACTIVIST.
BLATHERSKITESblatherskites n. Plural of blatherskite.
BLATHERSKITE n. (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense, also BLETHERANSKATE, BLETHERSKATE.
MULTITASKINGSMULTITASKING n. the action of running several processes or jobs simultaneously on a system.
STATESMANLIKEstatesmanlike adj. Like a statesman, demonstrating the skills and qualities of a respected leader.
STATESMANLIKE adj. like a statesman.
TALKATIVENESStalkativeness n. The state of being talkative.
TALKATIVE n. given to talking.
KERATOPLASTIESkeratoplasties n. Plural of keratoplasty.
KERATOPLASTY n. plastic surgery on the cornea.
STICKABILITIESSTICKABILITY n. the quality of being stickable.
SKETCHABILITIESSKETCHABILITY n. the quality of being sketchable.
UNSTATESMANLIKEunstatesmanlike adj. Not statesmanlike.
UNSTATESMANLIKE adj. not like a statesman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 333 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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