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There are 14 words containing A, 2I, 2P, 2R and U

HYPERPITUITARYHYPERPITUITARY adj. relating to increased hormone secretion by the pituitary body.
INTERPUPILLARYinterpupillary adj. (Anatomy) Between the pupils of the eyes.
INTERPUPILLARY adj. extending between the pupils of the eyes.
IPRATROPIUMipratropium n. An anticholinergic drug C20H30NO3+ that is used as an inhalational aerosol for bronchodilation especially…
IPRATROPIUM n. a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma.
IPRATROPIUMSIPRATROPIUM n. a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma.
PIPIWHARAUROAPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
PIPIWHARAUROASPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
PRIMIPAROUSprimiparous adj. Pregnant for the first time.
primiparous adj. Having given birth to only one child.
primiparous adj. Bearing a first offspring; having borne only one previous offspring.
REPOPULARISINGrepopularising v. Present participle of repopularise.
REPOPULARISE v. to popularise again, also REPOPULARIZE.
REPOPULARIZINGrepopularizing v. Present participle of repopularize.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
SUPERPARASITISMsuperparasitism n. A form of parasitism in which the host (typically an insect larva such as a caterpillar) is attacked…
SUPERPARASITISM n. parasitization of a host by more than one parasitic individual usually of one kind.
SUPERPATRIOTICsuperpatriotic adj. Extremely patriotic.
SUPERPATRIOTIC adj. extremely patriotic.
SUPERPATRIOTISMsuperpatriotism n. Extreme patriotism.
SUPERPATRIOTISM n. extreme patriotism.
SUPERPRAISINGsuperpraising v. Present participle of superpraise.
SUPERPRAISE v. to give very high praise.
UNAPPROPRIATINGunappropriating v. Present participle of unappropriate.
UNAPPROPRIATE v. to remove from private ownership and return to public ownership.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 269 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 279 words

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