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There are 18 words containing A, 2I, N, O and 3P

APOLIPOPROTEINapolipoprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any polypeptide or protein that can serve as an apoprotein by binding with a lipid to…
APOLIPOPROTEIN n. a protein that combines with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.
APOLIPOPROTEINSapolipoproteins n. Plural of apolipoprotein.
APOLIPOPROTEIN n. a protein that combines with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.
APPROPINQUATINGappropinquating v. Present participle of appropinquate.
APPROPINQUATE v. (archaic) to approach, also APPROPINQUE.
APPROPINQUATIONappropinquation n. The act of drawing near; an approach.
APPROPINQUITYappropinquity n. (Obsolete) nearness; propinquity.
APPROPINQUITY n. nearness.
APPROPRIATINGappropriating v. Present participle of appropriate.
APPROPRIATE v. to take exclusive possession of.
APPROPRIATIONappropriation n. An act or instance of appropriating.
appropriation n. That which is appropriated.
appropriation n. Public funds set aside for a specific purpose.
APPROPRIATIONSappropriations n. Plural of appropriation.
APPROPRIATION n. an act or instance of appropriating.
HIPPOCREPIANhippocrepian n. One of an order of freshwater bryozoa (Phylactolaema or Lophopoda) in which the tentacles are on a lophophore…
hippocrepian n. Hippocrepiform.
HIPPOCREPIAN n. a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe.
HIPPOCREPIANShippocrepians n. Plural of hippocrepian.
HIPPOCREPIAN n. a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe.
HIPPOPOTAMIANhippopotamian adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hippopotamus.
HIPPOPOTAMIAN adj. like a hippopotamus, clumsy, also HIPPOPOTAMIC.
INAPPROPRIATEinappropriate adj. Not appropriate; not suitable for the situation, time, or place.
inappropriate adj. (Informal, in particular) Improper; adult; sexual.
INAPPROPRIATE adj. not appropriate, also UNAPPROPRIATE.
INAPPROPRIATELYinappropriately adv. In an inappropriate manner.
INAPPROPRIATE adv. not appropriate, also UNAPPROPRIATE.
PREAPPOINTINGpreappointing v. Present participle of preappoint.
PREAPPOINT v. to appoint previously, or beforehand.
REAPPROPRIATINGreappropriating v. Present participle of reappropriate.
REAPPROPRIATE v. to appropriate again.
UNAPPROPRIATINGunappropriating v. Present participle of unappropriate.
UNAPPROPRIATE v. to remove from private ownership and return to public ownership.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 265 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 69 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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