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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, N, O, S, T and U

ABLUTIONSablutions n. Plural of ablution.
ablutions n. A building that houses bathing and toilet facilities on a military base.
ablutions n. (Plural only, UK, military) The location or building where the showers and basins are located.
ABUTILONSabutilons n. Plural of abutilon.
ABUTILON n. (Arabic) a flowering plant of the mallow family.
AUTOLYSINautolysin n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that hydrolyses a component of the cell (or tissue) in which it is produced.
AUTOLYSIN n. any agent that produces autolysis.
INSULATORinsulator n. A substance that does not transmit heat (thermal insulator), sound (acoustic insulator) or electricity…
insulator n. A non-conductive structure, coating or device that does not transmit sound, heat or electricity (see image).
insulator n. A person who installs insulation.
LUNATIONSlunations n. Plural of lunation.
LUNATION n. a lunar month; the interval between successive new moons.
LUXATIONSluxations n. Plural of luxation.
LUXATION n. the dislocation of an anatomical part.
PLATINOUSplatinous adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing divalent platinum.
PLATINOUS adj. of or containing platinum in the divalent state.
PULSATIONpulsation n. The regular throbbing of the heart, an artery etc. in a living body; the pulse.
pulsation n. Any rhythmic beating, throbbing etc.
pulsation n. (Now rare) Physical striking; a blow.
SUBLATIONsublation n. (Chemistry) A flotation method in which the material to be separated is adsorbed on the surface of gas…
sublation n. Removal, taking away.
sublation n. (Philosophy) In Hegelian philosophy, the situation where a thesis and antithesis interact.
SUCTIONALsuctional adj. Relating to suction.
SUCTIONAL adj. as in suctional stop, a stop consonant in which the contact of the articulating organs is followed by an inrush of air.
SULCATIONsulcation n. A channel or furrow.
sulcation n. Markings resembling channels or furrows, especially in shells, fossils, etc.
sulcation n. (Neuroscience) The development of or resulting formations of sulci in a brain cortex.
SULFATIONsulfation n. (Chemistry) The replacement of a hydrogen atom of an organic compound with a sulfate (-OSO2OH) functional…
SULFATION n. the act of forming a sulfate, also SULPHATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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