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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing A, I, L, N, P, 2R and U

CARDIOPULMONARYcardiopulmonary adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to both the heart and the lungs.
CARDIOPULMONARY adj. of or relating to the heart and lungs.
CORPUSCULARIANScorpuscularians n. Plural of corpuscularian.
CORPUSCULARIAN n. a person who holds the corpuscular theory.
ENTREPRENEURIALentrepreneurial adj. Having the spirit, attitude or qualities of an entrepreneur; enterprising.
ENTREPRENEURIAL adj. of or like an entrepreneur.
INTERPERCEPTUALinterperceptual adj. Between acts of perception.
INTERPERCEPTUAL adj. relating to interaction between modes of perception.
INTRAPRENEURIALintrapreneurial adj. Entrepreneurial within an existing business; describing entrepreneurship within an existing business.
INTRAPRENEURIAL adj. of or like an intrapreneur, a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
JURISPRUDENTIALjurisprudential adj. Of or pertaining to jurisprudence.
JURISPRUDENTIAL adj. relating to jurisprudence.
MACROPRUDENTIALmacroprudential adj. (Economics) Relating to systemic prudence, especially to the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems.
MACROPRUDENTIAL adj. of or relating to regulations designed to prevent financial institutions from taking risks that could endanger the financial system as a whole.
PARAJOURNALISMSPARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
PARTICULARISINGparticularising v. Present participle of particularise.
PARTICULARISE v. to state in detail, also PARTICULARIZE.
PARTICULARIZINGparticularizing v. Present participle of particularize.
PARTICULARIZE v. to state in detail, also PARTICULARISE.
PERPENDICULARLYperpendicularly adv. In a perpendicular manner.
PERPENDICULAR adv. at right angles to a line or plane.
SUPERNATURALISEsupernaturalise v. Alternative spelling of supernaturalize.
SUPERNATURALISE v. to make supernatural, also SUPERNATURALIZE.
SUPERNATURALISMsupernaturalism n. The quality or condition of being supernatural.
supernaturalism n. A belief in the doctrine of supernatural or divine agency as manifested in the world, in human events…
SUPERNATURALISM n. the state of being supernatural.
SUPERNATURALISTsupernaturalist n. A person who believes in the supernatural.
supernaturalist n. An advocate of supernaturalism.
SUPERNATURALIST n. relating to supernaturalism.
SUPERNATURALIZEsupernaturalize v. (Transitive) To make supernatural; to place a supernatural interpretation upon.
SUPERNATURALIZE v. to make supernatural, also SUPERNATURALISE.
SUPRALAPSARIANSsupralapsarians n. Plural of supralapsarian.
SUPRALAPSARIAN n. one of a class of Calvinists who make the decree of election and predestination to precede the Creation and the Fall.
TRIFLUOPERAZINEtrifluoperazine n. An antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine group.
TRIFLUOPERAZINE n. a tranquilizer chiefly used to treat psychotic conditions and esp. schizophrenia.
UNINTERPRETABLEuninterpretable adj. Unable to be interpreted.
UNINTERPRETABLE adj. not interpretable.
UNPARLIAMENTARYunparliamentary adj. Unsuitable to be used in parliament.
unparliamentary adj. Contrary to the rules of parliament.
UNPARLIAMENTARY adj. contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 165 words
  • Scrabble in French: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 276 words

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