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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing A, I, L, N, O, S and 2U

ANTITUBERCULOUSantituberculous adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to combat or counteract tuberculosis.
ANTITUBERCULOUS adj. designed to counter tuberculosis.
CORPUSCULARIANScorpuscularians n. Plural of corpuscularian.
CORPUSCULARIAN n. a person who holds the corpuscular theory.
DEMUTUALISATIONdemutualisation n. Alternative spelling of demutualization.
DEMUTUALISATION n. the process of demutualising, also DEMUTUALIZATION.
DESULFURISATIONDESULFURISATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURIZATION.
DESULFURIZATIONdesulfurization n. The process of removing sulfur from a substance, such as flue gas or crude.
DESULFURIZATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURISATION.
DESULPHURATIONSdesulphurations n. Plural of desulphuration.
DESULPHURATION n. the act of desulphuring.
GUTTURALISATIONgutturalisation n. Alternative form of gutturalization.
GUTTURALISATION n. the process of gutturalising, also GUTTURALIZATION.
IMMUNOSTIMULANTimmunostimulant n. (Immunology, pharmacology) Any substance that stimulates an immune response.
immunostimulant adj. (Immunology, pharmacology) That stimulates an immune response.
IMMUNOSTIMULANT n. a drug or nutrient which stimulates the body's immune system.
NEUROSURGICALLYneurosurgically adv. In a neurosurgical manner; with regard to, or by means of, neurosurgery.
NEUROSURGICAL adv. relating to neurosurgery.
NONSIMULTANEOUSnonsimultaneous adj. Not simultaneous.
NONSIMULTANEOUS adj. not simultaneous.
PLATITUDINOUSLYplatitudinously adv. In the manner of a platitude.
PLATITUDINOUS adv. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.
PUSILLANIMOUSLYpusillanimously adv. In a pusillanimous manner.
PUSILLANIMOUS adv. lacking courage, timid.
SULPHURIZATIONSsulphurizations n. Plural of sulphurization.
SULPHURIZATION n. the process of sulphurizing, also SULPHURISATION.
SUPEROVULATIONSsuperovulations n. Plural of superovulation.
SUPEROVULATION n. production of exceptional numbers of ova at one time.
TENTACULIFEROUStentaculiferous adj. (Zoology) Producing or bearing tentacles.
TENTACULIFEROUS adj. having tentacles.
TUBERCULISATIONtuberculisation n. Alternative form of tuberculization.
TUBERCULISATION n. the process of tuberculising, also TUBERCULIZATION.
UNDERVALUATIONSundervaluations n. Plural of undervaluation.
UNDERVALUATION n. the act of undervaluing.
UNEQUIVOCALNESSunequivocalness n. The quality of being unequivocal.
UNEQUIVOCALNESS n. the state of being unequivocal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 172 words
  • Scrabble in French: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 17 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 346 words

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