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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing A, I, 2L, 2O, U and Y

AUTOMORPHICALLYautomorphically adv. (Mathematics) In terms of automorphisms.
AUTOMORPHIC adv. formed after its or one's own pattern.
AUTOTROPHICALLYautotrophically adv. In an autotrophic manner.
autotrophically adv. With regard to autotrophy.
AUTOTROPHIC adv. capable of building up food materials from inorganic matter.
CLEISTOGAMOUSLYcleistogamously adv. In a cleistogamous fashion.
CLEISTOGAMOUS adv. relating to cleistogamy, the production of small inconspicuous closed self-pollinating flowers additional to and often more fruitful than showier ones on the same plant, also CLEISTOGAMIC.
COEDUCATIONALLYcoeducationally adv. In a coeducational manner.
COEDUCATIONAL adv. relating to coeducation.
COLOURISTICALLYcolouristically adv. Alternative form of coloristically.
COLOURISTIC adv. relating to a colourist.
COMPUTATIONALLYcomputationally adv. In a computational manner.
computationally adv. Using computation.
COMPUTATIONAL adv. relating to computation.
CONJUGATIONALLYconjugationally adv. In terms of conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adv. conjugate.
CONJUNCTIONALLYconjunctionally adv. In a conjunctional manner; with regard to conjunction.
CONJUNCTIONAL adv. relating to conjunction.
COULOMETRICALLYcoulometrically adv. By means of coulometry, or by the use of a coulometer.
COULOMETRIC adv. relating to coulometry.
IMMUNOLOGICALLYimmunologically adv. (Immunology) Using immunological methods.
IMMUNOLOGICAL adv. relating to immunology, also IMMUNOLOGIC.
MUSICOLOGICALLYmusicologically adv. With regard to musicology.
MUSICOLOGICAL adv. related to musicology.
NONFUNCTIONALLYnonfunctionally adv. In a nonfunctional way.
OBSTRUCTIONALLYobstructionally adv. As, or by way of, an obstruction; obstructively.
OBSTRUCTIONAL adv. relating to obstruction.
POSTULATIONALLYpostulationally adv. In a postulational manner.
POSTULATIONAL adv. of or like a postulate.
REVOLUTIONARILYrevolutionarily adv. In a revolutionary manner.
REVOLUTIONARY adv. of or like a revolution.
SOCIOCULTURALLYsocioculturally adv. In a sociocultural context.
SOCIOCULTURAL adv. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors.
SUPPOSITIONALLYsuppositionally adv. In a suppositional manner; by means of, or in the context of, supposition.
SUPPOSITIONAL adv. having the nature of a supposition.
UNAPOSTOLICALLYunapostolically adv. In an unapostolic manner.
UNAPOSTOLICAL adv. not apostolical, also UNAPOSTOLIC.
UNCONDITIONALLYunconditionally adv. Without condition, absolutely.
UNCONDITIONAL adv. not conditional or limited.
UNIDEOLOGICALLYunideologically adv. Without regard to ideology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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