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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing A, I, 2L, 2N, O and P

EPIPHENOMENALLYepiphenomenally adv. In an epiphenomenal manner.
EPIPHENOMENAL adv. of or relating to an epiphenomenon.
INSPIRATIONALLYinspirationally adv. In an inspirational manner.
INSPIRATIONAL adv. relating to inspiration.
INTERPELLATIONSinterpellations n. Plural of interpellation.
INTERPELLATION n. a formal questioning or challenging regarding an action or policy.
INTERPERSONALLYinterpersonally adv. In an interpersonal way.
INTERPERSONAL adv. relating to relations between persons.
NONSPECIFICALLYnonspecifically adv. In a nonspecific manner.
NONSPECIFIC adv. of a disease, not caused by any specific, identifiable agent.
PHENOLPHTHALEINphenolphthalein n. (Chemistry, pharmacology) A white or yellowish-white crystalline compound C20H14O4 used in medicine…
phenol␣phthalein n. (Chemistry) A white or yellowish-white crystalline substance made from phthalic acid and phenol. Its…
PHENOLPHTHALEIN n. a crystalline compound used as an indicator.
PLAINCLOTHESMANplainclothesman n. A police officer (especially a detective) who wears civilian clothes when on duty.
plainclothes␣man n. Alternative spelling of plainclothesman.
PLAINCLOTHESMAN n. a plainclothes police officer.
PLAINCLOTHESMENplainclothesmen n. Plural of plainclothesman.
plainclothes␣men n. Plural of plainclothes man.
PLAINCLOTHESMAN n. a plainclothes police officer.
POSTMILLENARIANpostmillenarian n. One who believes in postmillennialism.
POSTMILLENARIAN n. a believer in postmillennialism.
POSTMILLENNIALSPost-Millennials prop.n. Synonym of Generation Z.
POSTPOLLINATIONpostpollination adj. After pollination.
POSTPOLLINATION adj. taking place after pollination.
PRECANCELLATIONprecancellation n. The act of precancelling.
PRECANCELLATION adj. preceding a cancellation.
PREINSTALLATIONpreinstallation n. The process or result of preinstalling.
SEPTENTRIONALLYseptentrionally adv. (Obsolete, nonce word) northerly.
SEPTENTRIONAL adv. (obsolete) northern, also SEPTENTRIAL.
SPLANCHNOLOGIESSPLANCHNOLOGY n. the study of the entrails or viscera.
SUPERNATIONALLYsupernationally adv. In a way that spans nations; above or beyond what is national.
SUPERNATIONAL adv. overriding national sovereignty; in or belonging to more than one nation.
SUPRANATIONALLYsupranationally adv. In a supranational way.
SUPRANATIONAL adv. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests.
UNCOMPLAININGLYuncomplainingly adv. In an uncomplaining manner.
UNCOMPLAINING adv. not complaining.
UNCOMPLAISANTLYuncomplaisantly adv. In an uncomplaisant manner.
UNCOMPLAISANT adv. not complaisant.
UNEXCEPTIONALLYunexceptionally adv. In an unexceptional manner.
UNEXCEPTIONAL adv. not out of the ordinary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 141 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 38 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 54 words

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