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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing A, 3I, 2O, T and U

AUTOIONISATIONSautoionisations n. Plural of autoionisation.
AUTOIONIZATIONSautoionizations n. Plural of autoionization.
BIOACOUSTICIANSbioacousticians n. Plural of bioacoustician.
COLLOQUIALITIEScolloquialities n. Plural of colloquiality.
COLLOQUIALITY n. the quality of being colloquial.
COLOURABILITIESCOLOURABILITY n. the quality of being colourable, also COLORABILITY.
DISCONTINUATIONdiscontinuation n. Breach or interruption of continuity; separation of parts in a connected series; discontinuance.
DISCONTINUATION n. the act of discontinuing.
HONOURABILITIEShonourabilities n. Plural of honourability.
HONOURABILITY n. the quality of being honourable, also HONORABILITY.
INSUBORDINATIONinsubordination n. The quality or state of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority; specifically, an employee’s…
INSUBORDINATION n. the state of being insubordinate.
ISOIMMUNISATIONisoimmunisation n. Alternative spelling of isoimmunization.
ISOIMMUNISATION n. the development of antibodies within an individual against antigens from another individual of the same species, also ISOIMMUNIZATION.
ISOIMMUNIZATIONisoimmunization n. The development of antibodies in response to an isoantigen.
ISOIMMUNIZATION n. the development of antibodies within an individual against antigens from another individual of the same species, also ISOIMMUNISATION.
OVERUTILISATIONoverutilisation n. Alternative form of overutilization.
OVERUTILISATION n. the act of overutilising, also OVERUTILIZATION.
OVERUTILIZATIONoverutilization n. Excessive utilization; overuse.
OVERUTILIZATION n. the act of overutilizing, also OVERUTILISATION.
SOLUBILIZATIONSsolubilizations n. Plural of solubilization.
SOLUBILIZATION n. the act of solubilizing, also SOLUBILISATION.
SUBOPTIMISATIONsuboptimisation n. Alternative spelling of suboptimization.
SUBOPTIMISATION n. the process of suboptimising, also SUBOPTIMIZATION.
SUBOPTIMIZATIONsuboptimization n. The optimization of a subunit (or series of subunits) of an organization without good coordination with…
SUBOPTIMIZATION n. the process of suboptimizing, also SUBOPTIMISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 49 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 136 words

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