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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, I, O, P, R, S, U and Y

CORPUSCULARITYcorpuscularity n. The quality of being corpuscular.
CORPUSCULARITY n. the state of being corpuscular.
PARSIMONIOUSLYparsimoniously adv. In a parsimonious manner.
PARSIMONIOUS adv. excessively sparing or frugal.
PERTINACIOUSLYpertinaciously adv. In a stubbornly resolute manner; tenaciously holding one’s opinion or course of action.
PERTINACIOUS adv. stubbornly unyielding.
PLEURAPOPHYSISpleurapophysis n. A process on a vertebra that is essentially a vertebral rib.
PLEURAPOPHYSIS n. a lateral process of a vertebra, with the morphological character of a rib.
POLYOMAVIRUSESpolyomaviruses n. Plural of polyomavirus.
POSTSURGICALLYpostsurgically adv. Relating to the period following surgery.
PSYCHOSURGICALpsychosurgical adj. Relating to psychosurgery.
PSYCHOSURGICAL adj. relating to psychosurgery.
SAUROPTERYGIANsauropterygian n. A reptile of the extinct superorder Sauropterygia.
SAUROPTERYGIAN n. any carnivorous Mesozoic marine reptile of the group Sauropterygia, with paddle-like limbs.
SULFINPYRAZONEsulfinpyrazone n. A uricosuric medication used to treat gout.
SULFINPYRAZONE n. a uricosuric drug used in the long-term treatment of chronic gout.
SUPERLOYALISTSsuperloyalists n. Plural of superloyalist.
SUPERLOYALIST n. an extreme loyalist.
SUPERNORMALITYsupernormality n. The state or condition of being supernormal.
SUPERNORMALITY n. the state of being supernormal.
SUPERSONICALLYsupersonically adv. Faster than sound; at a supersonic speed.
SUPERSONIC adv. above the speed of sound.
SUPPORTABILITYsupportability n. The characteristics of a non-consumable product that allow it to continue being useful at low cost.
SUPPORTABILITY n. the state of being supportable.
SUPPOSITIONARYsuppositionary adj. Being a supposition; hypothetical.
SUPPOSITIONARY adj. suppositional.
TRANSPICUOUSLYtranspicuously adv. In a transpicuous fashion.
TRANSPICUOUS adv. easily understood or seen through.
TREPIDATIOUSLYtrepidatiously adv. In a trepidatious manner; with trepidation.
UNIPERSONALITYunipersonality n. (Theology) The quality of being a single person.
UNIPERSONALITY n. the state of being unipersonal, existing as only one person.
UNPRAISEWORTHYunpraiseworthy adj. Not praiseworthy.
UNPRAISEWORTHY adj. not praiseworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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