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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing A, I, M, O, P, 2T and U

IMPERTURBATIONimperturbation n. Freedom from agitation of mind; calmness.
IMPERTURBATION n. the state of being unperturbed.
IMPOSTHUMATINGimposthumating v. Present participle of imposthumate.
IMPOSTHUMATE v. to form or inflict an abscess, also IMPOSTUMATE.
IMPOSTHUMATIONimposthumation n. The formation of an abscess; inflammation; suppuration.
imposthumation n. An abscess; an imposthume.
IMPOSTHUMATION n. the act of forming an imposthume, an abscess, also IMPOSTUMATION.
METACOMPUTINGSMETACOMPUTING n. computing that uses metacomputers.
MISCOMPUTATIONmiscomputation n. The incorrect performance of a computation.
miscomputation n. A wrong or incorrect computation.
MISCOMPUTATION n. the act of miscomputing.
MISPUNCTUATIONmispunctuation n. Incorrect or missing punctuation.
MISPUNCTUATION n. a wrong punctuation.
MULTIHOSPITALSSorry, definition not available.
MULTIPLICATIONmultiplication n. (Uncountable, arithmetic) The process of computing the sum of a number with itself a specified number…
multiplication n. (Countable, arithmetic) A calculation involving multiplication.
multiplication n. The process of multiplying or increasing in number; increase.
MULTIPLICATORSmultiplicators n. Plural of multiplicator.
MULTIPLICATOR n. a multiplier.
MULTIPOTENTIALmultipotential n. (Biology) The differentiation potential of a multipotent cell.
MULTIPOTENTIAL adj. having the potential of becoming any of several mature cell types.
OUTMANIPULATEDoutmanipulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmanipulate.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
OUTMANIPULATESoutmanipulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outmanipulate.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
PNEUMATOLOGISTpneumatologist n. One versed in pneumatology.
PNEUMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in pneumatology.
POSTAMPUTATIONpostamputation adj. After an amputation.
POSTAMPUTATION adj. taking place after an amputation.
PROTOACTINIUMSPROTOACTINIUM n. a radioactive element that yields actinium on disintegration.
RECOMPUTATIONSrecomputations n. Plural of recomputation.
RECOMPUTATION n. the act of recomputing.
SUPERIMPORTANTsuperimportant adj. Very important.
SUPERIMPORTANT adj. having a very high degree of importance.
THAUMATROPICALTHAUMATROPICAL adj. of or like a thaumatrope, an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 135 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 30 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 84 words

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