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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, I, M, 3N, O and R

CONNUMERATINGconnumerating v. Present participle of connumerate.
CONNUMERATE v. to count together.
CONNUMERATIONconnumeration n. A reckoning or counting together.
CONNUMERATION n. the act of connumerating.
ENVIRONMENTALenvironmental adj. Pertaining to the environment.
environmental n. (Computing) Any factor relating to the physical environment in which hardware is operated, such as the…
ENVIRONMENTAL adj. relating to the environment.
INCRIMINATIONincrimination n. The act of incriminating someone; accusation.
INCRIMINATION n. the act of incriminating.
INTERMOUNTAINintermountain adj. Between mountains.
INTERMOUNTAIN adj. situated between mountains, also INTERMONT, INTERMONTANE.
NONIMMIGRANTSnonimmigrants n. Plural of nonimmigrant.
NONIMMIGRANT n. one who is not an immigrant.
NONMAINSTREAMnonmainstream adj. Not mainstream.
NONMAINSTREAM adj. not mainstream.
NONMANAGERIALnonmanagerial adj. (Management) Not managerial.
NONMANAGERIAL adj. not managerial.
NONMONETARISTnonmonetarist adj. Not monetarist.
nonmonetarist n. One who is not a monetarist.
NONMONETARIST n. something that is not monetarist.
NONREGIMENTALnonregimental adj. Not regimental.
NONREGIMENTAL adj. not regimental.
NONTERMINALLYnonterminally adv. In a nonterminal manner.
ORNAMENTATIONornamentation n. Decoration, adornment or embellishment.
ornamentation n. The act or process of decorating etc.
ornamentation n. (Music) Short notes added to a composition to emphasize certain notes and to add style.
PANHARMONICONpanharmonicon n. A mechanical musical instrument that could imitate various instruments and generate sound effects.
PANHARMONICON n. a mechanical musical instrument mimicking an orchestra.
PRENOMINATINGprenominating v. Present participle of prenominate.
PRENOMINATE v. to name or state beforehand.
PRENOMINATIONprenomination n. The act of prenominating.
prenomination n. The privilege of being named first.
PRENOMINATION n. the act of prenominating, naming in advance.
RENOMINATIONSrenominations n. Plural of renomination.
RENOMINATION n. the act of nominating again, e.g. for a second term.
TRANSMOUNTAINtransmountain adj. Through the mountains.
trans-mountain adj. Alternative form of transmountain.
TRANSMOUNTAIN adj. crossing or extending over or through a mountain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 123 words
  • Scrabble in French: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 175 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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