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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, I, L, 2N, 2O and Y

CARBONYLATIONcarbonylation n. (Chemistry) Any reaction that introduces a carbonyl group into a compound, especially by reaction with…
CARBONYLATION n. the synthesis of a carbonyl compound esp. by a reaction involving carbon monoxide.
COMMUNIONALLYCOMMUNIONAL adv. related to communion.
COMPANIONABLYcompanionably adv. In a companionable manner; agreeably, sociably.
CONCLUSIONARYconclusionary adj. (Law) Attempting to draw a conclusion rather than merely stating facts.
CONCLUSIONARY adj. relating to a conclusion.
CONCOMITANTLYconcomitantly adv. At the same time as something else.
concomitantly adv. Incidentally to something else.
CONCOMITANT adv. accompanying esp. in a subordinate or incidental way.
CONDITIONALLYconditionally adv. Under specified conditions.
CONDITIONAL adv. dependent on a condition.
CONNOTATIVELYconnotatively adv. In a way that connotes.
CONNOTATIVE adv. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.
CONVULSIONARYconvulsionary n. A convulsionist.
convulsionary adj. Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive.
CONVULSIONARY n. a person who has convulsions, esp. one of a fanatical sect of Jansenists in eighteenth century France.
INCONSONANTLYinconsonantly adv. In an inconsonant manner.
INCONSONANT adv. not consonant.
MONOGENICALLYmonogenically adv. In a monogenic manner.
MONOGENIC adv. of e.g. rocks, having a single origin, formed in a single way or by a single process, also MONOGENETIC.
MONOTONICALLYmonotonically adv. In a monotonic manner, pertaining to the Greek system of diacritics which discards the breathings and…
monotonically adv. (Mathematics) In a monotonic manner, of a function that either never decreases or never increases as…
MONOTONIC adv. having one tone; of a mathematical series, increasing or decreasing evenly.
MOUNTAINOUSLYmountainously adv. In a mountainous manner.
MOUNTAINOUS adv. having mountains.
NONHAEMOLYTICnonhaemolytic adj. Alternative spelling of nonhemolytic.
NONHAEMOLYTIC adj. not haemolytic, also NONHEMOLYTIC.
OLEANDOMYCINSoleandomycins n. Plural of oleandomycin.
OLEANDOMYCIN n. an antibiotic produced by a streptomyces.
ONTOGENICALLYontogenically adv. With regard to ontogeny.
ONTOGENIC adv. relating to ontogenesis, the origin and development of a single individual organism, also ONTOGENETIC.
OPINIONATEDLYopinionatedly adv. In an opinionated manner.
OPINIONATED adv. unduly adhering to one's own opinion or to preconceived notions.
UNEMOTIONALLYunemotionally adv. In an unemotional manner.
UNEMOTIONAL adv. not emotional.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 111 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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