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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, 3I, M, O and 2R

DISCRIMINATORdiscriminator n. A person who discriminates or differentiates.
discriminator n. A test or variable, etc. that serves to distinguish between different things.
discriminator n. (Physics) Any of several electronic devices that convert some property of a signal into an amplitude…
DOCTRINAIRISMdoctrinairism n. Doctrinaire attitudes generally.
DOCTRINAIRISM n. the state of being doctrinaire.
IMPROPRIATINGimpropriating v. Present participle of impropriate.
IMPROPRIATE v. to transfer ecclesiastical revenue to a layman.
IMPROPRIATIONimpropriation n. The act of impropriating; putting an ecclesiastical benefice or tithes in the hands of a layman, or lay corporation.
impropriation n. A benefice, tithe etc. that has been put in lay hands.
IMPROPRIATION n. the act of impropriating.
IMPROVISATORIimprovisatori n. Plural of improvisatore.
IMPROVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVVISATORE.
IMPROVISATRIXimprovisatrix n. A female that improvises.
IMPROVISATRIX n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRICE.
INCRIMINATORSincriminators n. Plural of incriminator.
INCRIMINATOR n. one who incriminates.
INCRIMINATORYincriminatory adj. That incriminates.
INCRIMINATORY adj. tending to incriminate.
IRRATIONALISMirrationalism n. A philosophical movement formed as a cultural reaction against positivism in the early 20th century.
IRRATIONALISM n. a system emphasizing intuition, instinct, feeling, or faith rather than reason or holding that the universe is governed by irrational forces.
MICROFILARIAEmicrofilariae n. Plural of microfilaria.
MICROFILARIA n. the minute larval form of a filarial worm.
MICROFILARIALmicrofilarial adj. Relating to the microfilariae.
MICROFILARIA adj. the minute larval form of a filarial worm.
MICROFILARIASSorry, definition not available.
MICROGRANITICmicrogranitic adj. Of or relating to microgranite.
MICROGRANITIC adj. of or like microgranite, a minutely crystalline variety of granite.
PRIMORDIALISMprimordialism n. Devotion to, or persistence in, conditions of the primordial state.
PRIMORDIALISM n. belief in first principles or elements.
PRIMORDIALITYprimordiality n. The quality of being primordial.
PRIMORDIALITY n. the state of being primordial.
RECRIMINATIONrecrimination n. The act of recriminating.
recrimination n. A counter or mutual accusation.
RECRIMINATION n. a retaliatory accusation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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