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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, 2I, 2L, M, O and R

ANGUILLIFORManguilliform n. Any eel of the order Anguilliformes.
anguilliform adj. Shaped like an eel.
anguilliform adj. Swimming in the manner of an eel.
CLIOMETRICALCLIOMETRICAL adj. relating to cliometrics, the application of methods developed in other fields (as economics, statistics, and data processing) to the study of history, also CLIOMETRIC.
ILLUMINATORSilluminators n. Plural of illuminator.
ILLUMINATOR n. one who illuminates.
IMMEMORIALLYimmemorially adv. In an immemorial manner, from time immemorial.
IMMEMORIAL adv. extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition.
KILOMETRICALKILOMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by kilometer, also KILOMETRIC.
MAMMILLIFORMmammilliform adj. Having the form of a mammilla.
MAMMILLIFORM adj. in the form of a nipple, also MAMILLIFORM.
MERIDIONALLYmeridionally adv. In a meridional manner.
meridionally adv. With regard to, or in the direction of a meridian.
MERIDIONAL adv. of or pertaining to the meridian, a line of longitude.
MICROLOGICALmicrological adj. Alternative form of micrologic.
MICROLOGICAL adj. relating to micrology, also MICROLOGIC.
MIDLITTORALSMIDLITTORAL n. that part of the seashore that lies between high and low neap tidemarks.
MILLIONAIRESmillionaires n. Plural of millionaire.
MILLIONAIRE n. a person whose wealth is estimated at a million or more (as of dollars or pounds), also MILLIONNAIRE.
MILLIONNAIREmillionnaire n. Archaic spelling of millionaire.
MILLIONNAIRE n. one who possesses a million pounds, also MILLIONAIRE.
MILLOCRACIESmillocracies n. Plural of millocracy.
MILLOCRACY n. the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
MONITORIALLYmonitorially adv. In a monitorial manner.
MONITORIAL adv. of or pertaining to a monitor or monitors.
MORBIFICALLYmorbifically adv. In a morbific way.
MORBIFIC adv. causing disease.
MYOFIBRILLARmyofibrillar adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to myofibrils.
MYOFIBRILLAR adj. relating to myofibrils.
PRIMORDIALLYprimordially adv. In a primordial manner.
primordially adv. With regard to a primordium.
PRIMORDIAL adv. original, rudimentary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 122 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 384 words

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