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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, 3I, S and 3T

ANTIELITISTSantielitists n. Plural of antielitist.
ANTIELITIST n. one who is opposed to elitism.
ANTIMITOTICSantimitotics n. Plural of antimitotic.
ANTIMITOTIC n. an agent that inhibits or disrupts mitosis.
ANTITHEISTICantitheistic adj. Of, pertaining to or espousing antitheism.
ANTITHEISTIC adj. opposed to theism.
ATTITUDINISEattitudinise v. Alternative spelling of attitudinize.
ATTITUDINISE v. to assume affected attitudes, also ATTITUDINIZE.
INTERSTITIALinterstitial adj. Of, relating to, or situated in an interstice.
interstitial n. (Internet, advertising) A web page, usually carrying advertising, displayed when leaving one content page for another.
interstitial n. (Physics) An interstitial discontinuity in a crystal.
NICTITATIONSnictitations n. Plural of nictitation.
NICTITATION n. the act of winking, also NICTATION.
PARTITIONISTpartitionist n. A political partisan who favours geopolitical partitioning.
partitionist n. (Canada, politics) A political partisan who favours the partition of the province of Quebec with the…
PARTITIONIST n. an advocate of political partition.
RELATIVITISTrelativitist n. A proponent of the theory of relativity.
RELATIVITIST n. a person who studies or accepts relativity.
STATISTICIANstatistician n. A person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics.
statistician n. (Mathematics) A mathematician with a specialty of statistics.
STATISTICIAN n. one versed in or engaged in compiling statistics.
TITILLATIONStitillations n. Plural of titillation.
TITILLATION n. the act of titillating.
TITTIVATIONStittivations n. Plural of tittivation.
TITTIVATION n. (slang) smartening up, also TIDIVATION, TITIVATION.
TITULARITIESTITULARITY n. the state of being titular.
TRACTILITIESTRACTILITY n. the state of being tractile.
TRADITIONISTtraditionist n. A person who upholds a tradition.
TRADITIONIST n. a person who adheres to tradition, also TRADITIONER.
TRANSITIVITYtransitivity n. (Grammar) The degree in which any one verb can take/govern objects.
transitivity n. (Mathematics, logic) The property of being transitive.
TRANSITIVITY n. the state of being transitive.
TWISTABILITYtwistability n. The quality of being twistable.
TWISTABILITY n. the quality of being twistable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 86 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 95 words

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