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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, I, O, P, R and 3S

ASPERSORIESaspersories n. Plural of aspersory.
ASPERSORY n. a vessel for holding holy water.
DIASPORISTSSorry, definition not available.
DISSIPATORSdissipators n. Plural of dissipator.
DISSIPATOR n. one who dissipates, also DISSIPATER.
FISSIPAROUSfissiparous adj. Factious, tending to break into pieces.
fissiparous adj. Causing division or fragmenting something.
fissiparous adj. (Cytology) Of cells that reproduce through fission, splitting into two.
INSPISSATORinspissator n. An apparatus for evaporating liquids; an evaporator.
INSPISSATOR n. an agent that inspissates.
PARASITOSESparasitoses n. Plural of parasitosis.
PARASITOSIS n. a disease resulting from parasites.
PARASITOSISparasitosis n. (Medicine) Infestation with parasites.
PARASITOSIS n. a disease resulting from parasites.
PASSIFLORASpassifloras n. Plural of passiflora.
PASSIFLORA n. a genus of plants, including the passion flower.
PASTORSHIPSpastorships n. Plural of pastorship.
PASTORSHIP n. the office of pastor.
PERSUASIONSpersuasions n. Plural of persuasion.
PERSUASION n. the act of persuading.
PLESIOSAURSplesiosaurs n. Plural of plesiosaur.
PLESIOSAUR n. any of a group of extinct marine reptiles of Mesozoic times.
PROSAICISMSprosaicisms n. Plural of prosaicism.
PROSAICISM n. the quality of being prosaic.
PROSAICNESSprosaicness n. The characteristic of being prosaic.
PROSAICNESS n. the state of being prosaic.
PROSTATISMSprostatisms n. Plural of prostatism.
PROSTATISM n. an illness or disorder associated with enlargement of the prostate.
RHAPSODISESrhapsodises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rhapsodise.
RHAPSODISE v. to utter as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody, also RHAPSODIZE.
RHAPSODISTSrhapsodists n. Plural of rhapsodist.
RHAPSODIST n. anciently, one who recited or composed a rhapsody; esp. one whose profession was to recite the verses of Homer and other epic poets, also RHAPSODE.
SOAPSUDSIERSOAPSUDSY adj. like soapsuds.
SUSPENSORIAsuspensoria n. Plural of suspensorium.
SUSPENSORIUM n. that which holds up a part, esp. the arrangement joining the lower jaw to the cranium in vertebrates below mammals.
VASOPRESSINvasopressin n. (Biochemistry) An antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
VASOPRESSIN n. a pituitary hormone that raises blood pressure, regulates kidney secretion, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 94 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 59 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 177 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 15 words

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