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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 3I, M, 2N and T

AMBITIONINGambitioning v. Present participle of ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
ANTIVITAMINantivitamin n. (Biochemistry) Any compound that inhibits the metabolic action of a vitamin.
ANTIVITAMIN n. a substance that makes a vitamin metabolically ineffective.
ARTEMISININartemisinin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) An antimalarial drug derived from the sweet wormwood shrub, Artemisia annua…
ARTEMISININ n. a crystalline compound extracted from the artemisia plant, used esp. to treat malaria, aka qinghaosu.
CRIMINATINGcriminating v. Present participle of criminate.
CRIMINATE v. to accuse.
CRIMINATIONcrimination n. An accusation of wrongdoing, a recrimination.
CRIMINATION n. the act of criminating, accusation.
ELIMINATINGeliminating v. Present participle of eliminate.
ELIMINATE v. to remove, get rid of.
ELIMINATIONelimination n. The act of eliminating, expelling or throwing off.
elimination n. The act of excluding a losing contestant from a match, tournament, or other competition.
elimination n. (Television) The act of voting off or throwing off a contestant in a reality television competition.
IMAGINATIONimagination n. The image-making power of the mind; the act of mentally creating or reproducing an object not previously…
imagination n. Particularly, construction of false images; fantasizing.
imagination n. Creativity; resourcefulness.
INANIMATIONinanimation n. Lack of animation; lifeless; dullness.
inanimation n. Infusion of life or vigor; animation; inspiration.
INANIMATION n. the state of being inanimate.
INCRIMINATEincriminate v. (Transitive) To accuse or bring criminal charges against.
incriminate v. (Transitive) To indicate the guilt of.
INCRIMINATE v. to charge with a crime or fault.
INFANTILISMinfantilism n. An emotional dependency on being treated as an infant.
infantilism n. (Sexuality) A paraphilia based on the sight or feeling of diapers, or being diapered.
INFANTILISM n. retention of childish physical, mental, or emotional qualities in adult life.
INTIMATIONSintimations n. Plural of intimation.
INTIMATION n. the act of intimating.
MAINTAININGmaintaining n. The act of doing maintenance.
maintaining v. Present participle of maintain.
MAINTAIN v. to keep in proper condition.
MINIATURINGminiaturing v. Present participle of miniature.
MINIATURE v. to miniaturize.
MISPAINTINGmispainting v. Present participle of mispaint.
MISPAINT v. to paint wrongly.
MISTRAININGmistraining v. Present participle of mistrain.
MISTRAIN v. to train improperly.
UNANIMITIESunanimities n. Plural of unanimity.
UNANIMITY n. the state of being unanimous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 80 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 101 words

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