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There are 19 words containing A, H, O, R, 2S, T and V

OVERHASTESOVERHASTE n. too great haste.
SHORTWAVESshortwaves n. Plural of shortwave.
short␣waves n. Plural of short wave.
SHORTWAVE v. to broadcast on shortwave.
TOVARISHEStovarishes n. Plural of tovarish.
TOVARISH n. (Russian) friend, comrade, also TOVARICH, TOVARISCH.
POSTHARVESTpostharvest adj. After a harvest (especially with regard to food preservation).
POSTHARVEST adj. following a harvest.
TOVARISCHEStovarisches n. Plural of tovarisch.
TOVARISCH n. (Russian) friend, comrade, also TOVARICH, TOVARISH.
BEHAVIORISTSbehaviorists n. Plural of behaviorist.
BEHAVIORIST n. a student of behaviorism.
EAVESTROUGHSeavestroughs n. Plural of eavestrough.
eaves␣troughs n. Plural of eaves trough.
EAVESTROUGH n. (Canadian) a gutter at the eaves of a building.
OVERHARVESTSoverharvests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overharvest.
OVERHARVEST v. to harvest to excess.
SERVANTHOODSservanthoods n. Plural of servanthood.
SERVANTHOOD n. the state of being a servant.
BEHAVIOURISTSbehaviourists n. Plural of behaviourist.
BEHAVIOURIST n. an adherent of behaviourism.
KATHAREVOUSASKATHAREVOUSA n. a formal archaizing written form of Modern Greek, based on Ancient Greek.
OVERHASTINESSoverhastiness n. The quality of being overhasty.
OVERHASTINESS n. the state of being overhasty.
VIBRAPHONISTSvibraphonists n. Plural of vibraphonist.
VIBRAPHONIST n. one who plays the vibraphone.
CLAVICHORDISTSclavichordists n. Plural of clavichordist.
CLAVICHORDIST n. one who plays the clavichord.
OVERENTHUSIASMoverenthusiasm n. Excessive enthusiasm.
OVERENTHUSIASM n. an excessive enthusiasm.
VASOINHIBITORSvasoinhibitors n. Plural of vasoinhibitor.
VASOINHIBITOR n. any of a group of drugs that reduce or inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.
CONSERVATORSHIPconservatorship n. (Law) The legal status of a conservator, similar to guardianship or trusteeship.
conservatorship n. (Law) The state of being under the control of a conservator.
CONSERVATORSHIP n. the office of conservator.
OVERENTHUSIASMSoverenthusiasms n. Plural of overenthusiasm.
OVERENTHUSIASM n. an excessive enthusiasm.
OVERHASTINESSESOVERHASTINESS n. the state of being overhasty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 346 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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