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There are 20 words containing A, H, O, P, R, S, X and Y

ARCHAEOPTERYXESarchaeopteryxes n. Plural of archaeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYX n. a Jurassic fossil bird of the Archaeopteryx genus, with a long bony tail, sharp-toothed jaws, and wings bearing three clawed digits.
ASPHYXIATORasphyxiator n. One who or that which asphyxiates.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
ASPHYXIATORSasphyxiators n. Plural of asphyxiator.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
HYDROXYAPATITEShydroxyapatites n. Plural of hydroxyapatite.
HYDROXYAPATITE n. a complex phosphate of calcium that occurs as a mineral and is the chief structural element of vertebrate bone.
HYPEROREXIASHYPEROREXIA n. compulsive overeating.
HYPERPROSEXIAhyperprosexia n. (Medicine, rare) Excessive attention; an abnormal state in which a person concentrates on one thing…
HYPERPROSEXIA n. abnormal powers of perception, as in Australian aboriginal trackers.
HYPERPROSEXIASHYPERPROSEXIA n. abnormal powers of perception, as in Australian aboriginal trackers.
HYPOPHARYNXEShypopharynxes n. Plural of hypopharynx.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
MORPHOSYNTAXmorphosyntax n. (Linguistics) Morphology and syntax regarded as an interlinked unit.
morpho-syntax n. (Linguistics) The system of the internal structure of words (morphology) and the way in which words…
morpho-syntax n. (Linguistics, formal) Grammar.
MORPHOSYNTAXESmorphosyntaxes n. Plural of morphosyntax.
MORPHOSYNTAX n. the study of the interaction of morphology and syntax.
NASOPHARYNXnasopharynx n. (Anatomy) The nasal part of the pharynx, lying behind the nose and above the level of the soft palate.
NASOPHARYNX n. the upper part of the pharynx continuous with the nasal passages.
NASOPHARYNXESnasopharynxes n. Plural of nasopharynx.
NASOPHARYNX n. the upper part of the pharynx continuous with the nasal passages.
OROPHARYNXESoropharynxes n. Plural of oropharynx.
OROPHARYNX n. the part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.
PHYLLOXERASphylloxeras n. Plural of phylloxera.
PHYLLOXERA n. a kind of beetle, a pest of vineyards.
PROPHYLAXESprophylaxes n. Plural of prophylaxis.
PROPHYLAXIS n. preventive treatment against diseases, etc.
PROPHYLAXISprophylaxis n. (Medicine) Prevention of, or protective treatment for, disease.
prophylaxis n. (Chess) A move or strategy that frustrates an opponent’s plan or tactic.
PROPHYLAXIS n. preventive treatment against diseases, etc.
PYRRHULOXIASpyrrhuloxias n. Plural of pyrrhuloxia.
PYRRHULOXIA n. a grey-and-pink crested bunting of Central and SW North America, with a short parrot-like bill.
XYLOGRAPHERSxylographers n. Plural of xylographer.
XYLOGRAPHER n. one who practises xylography, the art of making engravings on wood.
XYLOGRAPHIESxylographies n. Plural of xylography.
XYLOGRAPHY n. the art of making engravings on wood, esp. for printing.
XYLOGRAPHSxylographs n. Plural of xylograph.
XYLOGRAPH n. an engraving on wood, or the impression from such an engraving; a print by xylography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 193 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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