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There are 16 words containing A, H, 2L, R, S and 2T

TETHERBALLStetherballs n. Plural of tetherball.
TETHERBALL n. a ball suspended by a string from a pole.
ULTRALIGHTSultralights n. Plural of ultralight.
ULTRALIGHT n. a very light aircraft.
LITHOLATROUSlitholatrous adj. Stone-worshipping.
LITHOLATROUS adj. engaging in litholatry, the worship of stones.
ENTHRALLMENTSenthrallments n. Plural of enthrallment.
ENTHRALLMENT n. (US) the state of being enthralled, also ENTHRALMENT.
YELLOWTHROATSyellowthroats n. Plural of yellowthroat.
YELLOWTHROAT n. any of several largely olive American warblers.
HETEROTHALLIESHETEROTHALLY n. the state of being heterothallic, also HETEROTHALLISM.
HETEROTHALLISMheterothallism n. (Botany) The condition of being heterothallic.
HETEROTHALLISM n. the state of being heterothallic, also HETEROTHALLY.
HYSTERETICALLYhysteretically adv. In the manner of a system with hysteresis.
HYSTERETIC adv. pertaining to hysteresis, the retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause of the effect.
PROSTHETICALLYprosthetically adv. By prosthetic means.
PROSTHETIC adv. relating to prosthesis.
ANTICHOLESTEROLanticholesterol adj. (Medicine) That prevents or combats the buildup of cholesterol in the body.
anticholesterol n. (Biochemistry) A naturally occurring antibody to cholesterol produced by mammals.
ANTICHOLESTEROL adj. countering the effects of cholesterol.
DISENTHRALLMENTdisenthrallment n. Alternative form of disinthrallment.
DISENTHRALLMENT n. the act of disenthralling, also DISENTHRALMENT.
HETEROTHALLISMSheterothallisms n. Plural of heterothallism.
HETEROTHALLISM n. the state of being heterothallic, also HETEROTHALLY.
HYDROSTATICALLYhydrostatically adv. In a hydrostatic manner.
hydrostatically adv. With regard to hydrostatics.
HYDROSTATICAL adv. of or relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit, also HYDROSTATIC.
METALLOGRAPHISTmetallographist n. (Dated) One who writes on the subject of metals.
METALLOGRAPHIST n. one who practises metallography.
TETRAETHYLLEADStetraethyl␣leads n. Plural of tetraethyl lead.
TETRAETHYLLEAD n. a colourless oily insoluble liquid formerly used in petrol to prevent knocking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 840 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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