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There are 15 words containing A, 2H, N, 2O, R and U

ANTHROPOPHAGOUSanthropophagous adj. Who practices anthropophagy; cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGOUS adj. eating humans.
ANTHROPOPHAGUSanthropophagus n. A man-eater; a cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGUS n. a cannibal; a man-eater.
ANTHROPOPHUISManthropophuism n. Human nature.
anthropophuism n. The ascription of human nature to the gods.
ANTHROPOPHUISM n. the ascription of human nature to God or to the gods.
ANTHROPOPHUISMSANTHROPOPHUISM n. the ascription of human nature to God or to the gods.
HOARHOUNDhoarhound n. Alternative form of horehound.
HOARHOUND n. a kind of wild flower, also HOREHOUND.
HOARHOUNDShoarhounds n. Plural of hoarhound.
HOARHOUND n. a kind of wild flower, also HOREHOUND.
HOLOTHURIANholothurian n. (Zoology) sea cucumber (of the class Holothuroidea).
HOLOTHURIAN n. any member of a class of wormlike unarmoured echinoderms, aka sea cucumbers.
HOLOTHURIANSholothurians n. Plural of holothurian.
HOLOTHURIAN n. any member of a class of wormlike unarmoured echinoderms, aka sea cucumbers.
HYDROPHANOUShydrophanous adj. (Mineralogy) Made transparent by immersion in water.
HYDROPHANOUS adj. becoming transparent when placed in water.
ORTHOGNATHOUSorthognathous adj. (Anatomy) straight-jawed.
ORTHOGNATHOUS adj. having a lower jaw that neither projects nor recedes, also ORTHOGNATHIC.
PHONAUTOGRAPHphonautograph n. (Historical) A device for recording sound vibrations in a visible form.
PHONAUTOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording sound vibrations.
PHONAUTOGRAPHICphonautographic adj. Relating to the phonautograph.
PHONAUTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a phonautograph, an instrument for recording sound vibrations.
PHONAUTOGRAPHSphonautographs n. Plural of phonautograph.
PHONAUTOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording sound vibrations.
UNCHOREOGRAPHEDunchoreographed adj. Not choreographed.
UNCHOREOGRAPHED adj. not choreographed.
XANTHOCHROOUSxanthochroous adj. Yellow‐skinned; of or pertaining to Xanthochroi.
XANTHOCHROOUS adj. exhibiting xanthochroism, a condition in which all pigments other than yellow disappear, also XANTHOCHROIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 485 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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