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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, 2H, I, N, O, P and R

ARCHIPHONEMEarchiphoneme n. (Phonology) A unit representing two or more underlying phonemes, where the distinction between them…
ARCHIPHONEME n. an abstract linguistic unit representing two or more phonemes when the distinction between these has been neutralized, conventionally shown by a capital letter within slashes.
CHRISTOPHANYChristophany n. An appearance of Christ, as for example to his disciples after the crucifixion.
CHRISTOPHANY n. an appearance of Christ to men.
ETHNOGRAPHICethnographic adj. Relating to ethnography.
ETHNOGRAPHIC adj. related to ethnography.
HARMONIPHONEharmoniphone n. A free-reed musical instrument played with a keyboard, in which the sounds are produced by reeds set…
HARMONIPHONE n. a keyboard wind instrument with reeds, also HARMONIPHON.
HARMONIPHONSharmoniphons n. Plural of harmoniphon.
HARMONIPHON n. a keyboard wind instrument with reeds, also HARMONIPHONE.
HIEROPHANTIChierophantic adj. Of or relating to a hierophant.
HIEROPHANTIC adj. of or like a hierophant.
HOLOGRAPHINGholographing v. Present participle of holograph.
HOLOGRAPH v. to write a text in one's own handwriting.
HORSEMANSHIPhorsemanship n. The skill of riding a horse, and sometimes of training and managing horses.
HORSEMANSHIP n. the art of riding.
HYPOCHONDRIAhypochondria n. (Medicine) A psychological disorder characterized by excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness.
hypochondria n. (Obsolete, medicine) Melancholy; depression.
hypochondria n. Plural of hypochondrium.
HYPOPHRYGIANhypophrygian adj. (Music) Of or relating to a musical mode or diatonic scale in medieval chant theory, the fourth mode…
hypophrygian n. (Music) The hypophrygian mode.
Hypophrygian adj. Alternative form of hypophrygian.
ICHNOGRAPHICichnographic adj. Of or relating to ichnography.
ICHNOGRAPHIC adj. relating to the ichnography, the making of ground plans, also ICHNOGRAPHICAL.
NEPHROPATHICnephropathic adj. Relating to nephropathy.
NEPHROPATHIC adj. relating to nephropathy, kidney disease.
PHILANTHROPEphilanthrope n. (Archaic) A philanthropist.
PHILANTHROPE n. someone who tries to benefit mankind.
PHILANTHROPYphilanthropy n. (Chiefly uncountable) Benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of humankind.
philanthropy n. (Uncountable) Charitable giving, charity.
philanthropy n. (Countable) A philanthropic act.
PHILHARMONICphilharmonic adj. (Music) Appreciative of music, but especially to its performance; devoted to music.
philharmonic n. (Music) A full-size symphony orchestra.
PHILHARMONIC adj. fond of music.
PHONOGRAPHICphonographic adj. Of or relating to phonography or to a phonograph.
PHONOGRAPHIC adj. of or relating to phonography.
RHINOPHONIASRHINOPHONIA n. a nasal tone to the voice which is caused by a defect in the nasal passages.
STROPHANTHINstrophanthin n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several poisonous cardiac glycosides obtained from various African plants.
STROPHANTHIN n. a very poisonous glucoside found in the seeds of the plant Strophanthus.
THEANTHROPICtheanthropic adj. Partaking of, or combining, both divinity and humanity.
THEANTHROPIC adj. having the nature of both God and human.
TRIPHTHONGALtriphthongal adj. Pertaining to a triphthong.
TRIPHTHONGAL adj. relating to triphthong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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