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There are 13 words containing A, G, 2N, O, R, U and Z

UNORGANIZEDunorganized adj. Not organized: not having been organized.
UNORGANIZED adj. not organized.
JOURNALIZINGjournalizing v. Present participle of journalize.
JOURNALIZE v. to enter or record in a journal or diary, also JOURNALISE.
OUTBRAZENINGoutbrazening v. Present participle of outbrazen.
OUTBRAZEN v. to be more brazen than.
UNMORALIZINGunmoralizing adj. Not moralizing; not making moral reflections.
UNMORALIZING adj. not moralizing, also UNMORALISING.
GOURMANDIZINGgourmandizing v. Present participle of gourmandize.
gourmandizing n. Alternative form of gormandizing.
GOURMANDIZE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDISE, GORMANDIZE, GOURMANDISE.
OUTORGANIZINGoutorganizing v. Present participle of outorganize.
OUTORGANIZE v. to surpass in organization, also OUTORGANISE.
UNRECOGNIZABLEunrecognizable adj. That cannot be recognized, especially because of substantial changes.
UNRECOGNIZABLE adj. not recognizable, also UNRECOGNISABLE.
UNRECOGNIZABLYunrecognizably adv. Beyond recognition.
UNRECOGNIZABLE adv. not recognizable, also UNRECOGNISABLE.
CONNATURALIZINGconnaturalizing v. Present participle of connaturalize.
CONNATURALIZE v. to make of the same nature, also CONNATURALISE.
GRANULITIZATIONGRANULITIZATION n. the reduction of the components of a rock to crystalline grains by regional metamorphism, also GRANULITISATION.
SINGULARIZATIONsingularization n. The process or result of singularizing.
SINGULARIZATION n. the process of singularizing, also SINGULARISATION.
SUBORGANIZATIONsuborganization n. An organization belonging to a larger parent organization.
SUBORGANIZATION n. a subsidiary part of an organisation, also SUBORGANISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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