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There are 18 words containing A, G, 2M, O, P, R and Y

AGAMOSPERMYagamospermy n. (Botany) The asexual production of embryos and seeds.
AGAMOSPERMY n. the formation of seeds without fertilisation.
GEMMIPAROUSLYgemmiparously adv. In a gemmiparous manner.
GEMMIPAROUS adv. reproducing by gemmae.
LYMPHANGIOGRAMlymphangiogram n. A diagnostic image produced by lymphangiography.
LYMPHANGIOGRAM n. a radiogram of the lymph glands.
LYMPHANGIOGRAMSlymphangiograms n. Plural of lymphangiogram.
LYMPHANGIOGRAM n. a radiogram of the lymph glands.
LYMPHOGRAMlymphogram n. A diagnostic image produced by lymphography.
LYMPHOGRAM n. a record made by lymphography, radiography of the lymph glands.
LYMPHOGRAMSlymphograms n. Plural of lymphogram.
LYMPHOGRAM n. a record made by lymphography, radiography of the lymph glands.
LYMPHOGRANULOMAlymphogranuloma n. Lymphogranuloma venereum.
LYMPHOGRANULOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MAMMOGRAPHYmammography n. (Medicine) X-ray examination of the breasts for diagnosing and locating abnormalities, especially tumours.
MAMMOGRAPHY n. an X-ray of the breast.
MIMOGRAPHYmimography n. (Archaic) The art of writing sign language by means of pictorial symbols constituting ideographs.
MIMOGRAPHY n. the writing of mimes.
MYRMECOPHAGOUSmyrmecophagous adj. Pertaining to the anteater.
myrmecophagous adj. Feeding on ants.
MYRMECOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on ants.
PHOTOGRAMMETRYphotogrammetry n. The making of precise measurements from photographs.
photogrammetry n. The making of maps from photographs, especially from aerial surveying.
PHOTOGRAMMETRY n. the science of making reliable measurements by the use of photographs and esp. aerial photographs (as in surveying).
PLETHYSMOGRAMplethysmogram n. A recording made by the plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAM n. a tracing made by a plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAMSplethysmograms n. Plural of plethysmogram.
PLETHYSMOGRAM n. a tracing made by a plethysmograph.
PROGRAMMABILITYprogrammability n. The abstract capability of being programmable.
PROGRAMMABILITY n. the state of being programmable.
PROGYMNASIUMprogymnasium n. In Germany, a classical school without the higher classes; a school preparatory to a gymnasium.
PROGYMNASIUM n. in Germany, a gymnasium for pupils up to age 16 only, at which university entrance qualifications are not obtainable.
PROGYMNASIUMSPROGYMNASIUM n. in Germany, a gymnasium for pupils up to age 16 only, at which university entrance qualifications are not obtainable.
SPHYGMOGRAMsphygmogram n. The recording made by a sphygmograph.
SPHYGMOGRAM n. a sphygmograph record.
SPHYGMOGRAMSsphygmograms n. Plural of sphygmogram.
SPHYGMOGRAM n. a sphygmograph record.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 206 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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