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There are 19 words containing A, G, 2L, O, 2R and S

ALLEGORISERallegoriser n. Alternative form of allegorizer.
ALLEGORISER n. one who allegorises, also ALLEGORIZER.
ALLEGORISERSallegorisers n. Plural of allegoriser.
ALLEGORISER n. one who allegorises, also ALLEGORIZER.
ALLEGORIZERSallegorizers n. Plural of allegorizer.
ALLEGORIZER n. one who allegorizes, also ALLEGORISER.
ARGILLIFEROUSargilliferous adj. (Geology) Producing clay; rich in argil.
ARGILLIFEROUS adj. containing or yielding clay.
BURGLARIOUSLYburglariously adv. (Dated, law) As a burglar; in order to burgle.
BURGLARIOUS adv. (facetious) like a burglar.
CRYSTALLOGRAPHYcrystallography n. The experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in solids.
crystallography n. The study of crystals.
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY n. a science that deals with the forms and structures of crystals.
ELECTROSURGICALelectrosurgical adj. (Surgery) relating to electrosurgery.
ELECTROSURGICAL adj. relating to electrosurgery.
GALLERYGOERSgallerygoers n. Plural of gallerygoer.
gallery-goers n. Plural of gallery-goer.
GALLERYGOER n. one who frequently goes to art galleries.
GARRULOUSLYgarrulously adv. In a garrulous manner.
GARRULOUS adv. talkative.
GORILLAGRAMSgorillagrams n. Plural of gorillagram.
GORILLAGRAM n. a greetings telegram delivered by a person dressed in a gorilla suit.
LONGIROSTRALlongirostral adj. (Zoology) Having a long bill.
longirostral adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Longirostres.
LONGIROSTRAL adj. having an elongated beak.
METALLOGRAPHERSmetallographers n. Plural of metallographer.
METALLOGRAPHER n. one who practises metallography.
NEUROSURGICALLYneurosurgically adv. In a neurosurgical manner; with regard to, or by means of, neurosurgery.
NEUROSURGICAL adv. relating to neurosurgery.
PARALLELOGRAMSparallelograms n. Plural of parallelogram.
PARALLELOGRAM n. a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal.
PROGRESSIONALLYPROGRESSIONAL adv. relating to progression.
ROLLERBLADINGSROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
STEAMROLLERINGsteamrollering v. Present participle of steamroller.
STEAMROLLER v. to overwhelm usually by greatly superior force.
ULTRAGLAMOROUSultraglamorous adj. Extremely glamorous.
ULTRAGLAMOROUS adj. extremely glamorous.
ULTRARELIGIOUSultrareligious adj. Extremely religious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 579 words
  • Scrabble in French: 96 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 108 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 95 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 251 words

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