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There are 17 words containing A, G, I, 2O, S, U and V

CYTOMEGALOVIRUScytomegalovirus n. (Virology) Any of several herpes viruses, of the genus Cytomegalovirus, that infect the salivary glands…
Cytomegalovirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Herpesviridae – certain herpesviruses.
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses containing DNA of the herpes family, which cause cells which they infect to enlarge and may cause an illness similar to glandular fever.
GRAMINIVOROUSgraminivorous adj. (Entomology) That eats grasses and seeds.
GRAMINIVOROUS adj. feeding on grass or cereals.
GRANIVOROUSgranivorous adj. That eats seeds.
GRANIVOROUS adj. feeding on seeds.
NOCTIVAGOUSnoctivagous adj. Wandering at night; nightwandering, noctivagant.
NOCTIVAGOUS adj. wandering in the night, also NOCTIVAGANT.
OUTSAVORINGOUTSAVOR v. (US) to surpass in savor, also OUTSAVOUR.
OUTSAVOURINGOUTSAVOUR v. to exceed in savouring, also OUTSAVOR.
OVERGLAMOURIZESSorry, definition not available.
OVERREGULATIONSoverregulations n. Plural of overregulation.
OVERREGULATION n. excessive regulation.
SANGUINIVOROUSsanguinivorous adj. Subsisting on a diet of blood.
SANGUINIVOROUS adj. drinking blood, also SANGUIVOROUS.
SANGUIVOROUSsanguivorous adj. That feeds on blood; bloodsucking, hematophagous.
SANGUIVOROUS adj. drinking blood, also SANGUINIVOROUS.
VAINGLORIOUSvainglorious adj. With excessive vanity or unwarranted pride.
VAINGLORIOUS adj. marked by vainglory, excessive pride, esp. in one's achievements or abilities.
VAINGLORIOUSLYvaingloriously adv. In a vainglorious manner.
VAINGLORIOUS adv. marked by vainglory, excessive pride, esp. in one's achievements or abilities.
VORAGINOUSvoraginous adj. Pertaining to a whirlpool; full of whirlpools; hence, devouring.
VORAGINOUS adj. relating to a vorago or whirlpool.
VULCANOLOGIESvulcanologies n. Plural of vulcanology.
VULCANOLOGY n. the study of volcanoes, also VOLCANOLOGY.
VULCANOLOGISTvulcanologist n. A person who studies volcanos.
VULCANOLOGIST n. one who studies vulcanology, also VOLCANOLOGIST.
VULCANOLOGISTSvulcanologists n. Plural of vulcanologist.
VULCANOLOGIST n. one who studies vulcanology, also VOLCANOLOGIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 138 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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