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There are 18 words containing A, G, I, L, O, R and 2Y

CRYOGENICALLYcryogenically adv. Carried out at very low temperatures, near absolute zero.
CRYOGENIC adv. of or like a cryogen, a substance for obtaining low temperatures, a freezing mixture.
DACTYLIOGRAPHYdactyliography n. The art of writing or engraving upon gems.
DACTYLIOGRAPHY n. the study of gem engraving.
EMBRYOLOGICALLYembryologically adv. Regarding embryology.
EMBRYOLOGICAL adv. relating to embryology, also EMBRYOLOGIC.
GYNIOLATRYgyniolatry n. Alternative form of gynolatry.
GYNIOLATRY n. deep respect or devotion for women.
GYROSCOPICALLYgyroscopically adv. Using a gyroscope.
GYROSCOPIC adv. pertaining to the gyroscope.
GYROSTATICALLYgyrostatically adv. In terms of, or by means of, gyrostatics.
GYROSTATIC adv. of or pertaining to the gyrostat or to gyrostatics.
HYDROLOGICALLYhydrologically adv. With regard to hydrology.
HYDROLOGICAL adv. relating to hydrology, also HYDROLOGIC.
HYDROXYLATINGhydroxylating v. Present participle of hydroxylate.
HYDROXYLATE v. to introduce hydroxyl into.
HYGROMETRICALLYhygrometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, hygrometry.
HYGROMETRICAL adv. relating to hygrometry, also HYGROMETRIC.
HYGROSCOPICALLYhygroscopically adv. In a hygroscopic way.
HYGROSCOPICAL adv. readily absorbing moisture from the air, also HYGROSCOPIC.
HYPERGOLICALLYhypergolically adv. In a hypergolic way.
HYPERGOLIC adv. igniting on contact, applied e.g. to rocket fuel which ignites spontaneously on contact with an oxidizing agent.
MYOGRAPHICALLYMYOGRAPHICAL adv. relating to myography, the description of muscles, also MYOGRAPHIC.
POLYGRAPHICALLYpolygraphically adv. By polygraphic means.
POLYGRAPHIC adv. relating to a polygraph.
PYRAMIDOLOGYpyramidology n. The study of pyramids (especially the Egyptian pyramids) from a supernatural or new-age perspective…
PYRAMIDOLOGY n. the study of the Egyptian pyramids.
SYRINGOMYELIAsyringomyelia n. (Medicine) A disorder in which a cyst or cavity forms within the spinal cord, possibly leading to stiffness…
SYRINGOMYELIA n. a chronic progressive disease of the spinal cord associated with sensory disturbances, muscle atrophy, and spasticity.
SYRINGOMYELIASsyringomyelias n. Plural of syringomyelia.
SYRINGOMYELIA n. a chronic progressive disease of the spinal cord associated with sensory disturbances, muscle atrophy, and spasticity.
TYPOGRAPHICALLYtypographically adv. In a typographical manner.
TYPOGRAPHICAL adv. relating to typography, the art of printing or using type, also TYPOGRAPHIC.
XYLOTYPOGRAPHICxylotypographic adj. Of or pertaining to xylotypography.
XYLOTYPOGRAPHIC adj. relating to, or printed from, wooden type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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