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There are 20 words containing A, G, 2I, M, 2R and V

CIRCUMNAVIGATORcircumnavigator n. A person who circumnavigates, that is, sails around the world.
CIRCUMNAVIGATOR n. one who circumnavigates.
GRAMINIVOROUSgraminivorous adj. (Entomology) That eats grasses and seeds.
GRAMINIVOROUS adj. feeding on grass or cereals.
GRAVIMETRICgravimetric adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to measurement by weight.
gravimetric adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to measurement of the local gravitational field.
GRAVIMETRIC adj. of or relating to measurement by weight, also GRAVIMETRICAL.
GRAVIMETRICALgravimetrical adj. Gravimetric.
GRAVIMETRICAL adj. of or relating to measurement by weight, also GRAVIMETRIC.
GRAVIMETRICALLYgravimetrically adv. (Chemistry) Using a gravimetric method.
gravimetrically adv. (Geology) Using a gravimeter.
GRAVIMETRICAL adv. of or relating to measurement by weight, also GRAVIMETRIC.
GRAVIMETRIESgravimetries n. Plural of gravimetry.
GRAVIMETRY n. the measurement of variations in gravity.
GRAVITROPISMgravitropism n. (Biology, botany) a plant’s ability to change its growth in response to gravity.
GRAVITROPISMSSorry, definition not available.
MICROAGGRESSIVEmicroaggressive adj. Exhibiting or relating to microaggression.
MICROGRAVITIESmicrogravities n. Plural of microgravity.
MICROGRAVITY n. a condition in space in which only minuscule forces are experienced.
MICROGRAVITYmicrogravity n. (Physics) A state of very low acceleration between two free floating objects, as found in sustained…
MICROGRAVITY n. a condition in space in which only minuscule forces are experienced.
MISAVERRINGMISAVER v. to speak erroneously.
OVERDRAMATISINGoverdramatising v. Present participle of overdramatise.
OVERDRAMATISE v. to dramatise to excess, also OVERDRAMATIZE.
OVERDRAMATIZINGoverdramatizing v. Present participle of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
OVERGLAMORIZINGoverglamorizing v. Present participle of overglamorize.
OVERGLAMORIZE v. to glamorize to excess, also OVERGLAMORISE.
PRIMIGRAVIDAprimigravida n. (Obstetrics, veterinary medicine) A woman or female animal who is pregnant for the first time, or who…
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
PRIMIGRAVIDAEprimigravidae n. Plural of primigravida.
primigravidæ n. Archaic form of primigravidae (plural of primigravida).
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
PRIMIGRAVIDASprimigravidas n. Plural of primigravida.
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
TRANSMIGRATIVEtransmigrative adj. Relating to transmigration.
TRANSMIGRATIVE adj. passing from one body or place into another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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