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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing A, G, N, 2R, 2T and U

COUNTERARGUMENTcounterargument n. An argument that is opposed to another argument.
COUNTERARGUMENT n. an opposing argument.
COUNTERSTRATEGYcounterstrategy n. Any strategy designed to counter another, or to render something ineffective.
counter-strategy n. Alternative spelling of counterstrategy.
counter␣strategy n. Alternative spelling of counterstrategy.
STRUCTURALISINGstructuralising v. Present participle of structuralise.
STRUCTURALISE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALIZE.
STRUCTURALIZINGstructuralizing v. Present participle of structuralize.
STRUCTURALIZE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALISE.
SUPERSATURATINGsupersaturating v. Present participle of supersaturate.
SUPERSATURATE v. to add to (a solution) beyond saturation.
TETRASPORANGIUMtetrasporangium n. (Botany) A sporangium that produces tetraspores.
TETRASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in which tetraspores are formed.
TRANSFIGURATIONtransfiguration n. A major change in appearance or form; a metamorphosis.
transfiguration n. A change that exalts or glorifies.
transfiguration n. Superposition of one or more ideal-elements in comparison with other real ones, often through imagination…
TRANSFIGUREMENTtransfigurement n. Transfiguration.
TRANSFIGUREMENT n. the act of transfiguring.
TRIANGULARITIEStriangularities n. Plural of triangularity.
TRIANGULARITY n. the state of being triangular.
TURBOGENERATORSturbogenerators n. Plural of turbogenerator.
turbo-generators n. Plural of turbo-generator.
TURBOGENERATOR n. an electric generator driven by a turbine.
ULTRACENTRIFUGEultracentrifuge n. A high-speed centrifuge, especially one free from convection that is used to separate colloidal particles.
ultracentrifuge v. To submit a material to ultracentrifugation.
ULTRACENTRIFUGE v. to subject to the action of an ultracentrifuge, a very high-speed type of centrifuge.
UNDERGRADUETTESundergraduettes n. Plural of undergraduette.
UNDERGRADUETTE n. a female undergraduate.
UNTRANSMIGRATEDuntransmigrated adj. Not transmigrated.
UNTRANSMIGRATED adj. not transmigrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 119 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 52 words

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