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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, N, O, R and 3S

ACCESSORISINGaccessorising v. Present participle of accessorise.
ACCESSORISE v. to furnish with accessories, also ACCESSORIZE.
ASTEREOGNOSESASTEREOGNOSIS n. the inability to recognize objects by touch.
ASTEREOGNOSISastereognosis n. The inability to identify an object by touch without visual input; a form of tactile agnosia.
ASTEREOGNOSIS n. the inability to recognize objects by touch.
CROSSBANDINGScrossbandings n. Plural of crossbanding.
CROSSBANDING n. a veneer border, as on furniture, with its grain at right angles to the grain of the adjacent wood.
CROSSBARRINGSCROSSBARRING n. the act of fitting with a crossbar.
DANGEROUSNESSdangerousness n. The state or quality of being dangerous.
DANGEROUS n. full of danger.
DISORGANISERSdisorganisers n. Plural of disorganiser.
DISORGANISER n. one who disorganises, also DISORGANIZER.
GARRULOUSNESSgarrulousness n. Garrulity.
GARRULOUS n. talkative.
GASTRONOMISTSgastronomists n. Plural of gastronomist.
GASTRONOMIST n. one versed in gastronomy, the art of good eating.
GLAMOROUSNESSglamorousness n. The state or quality of being glamorous.
GLAMOROUSNESS n. the state of being glamorous.
GRANDIOSENESSgrandioseness n. The state or condition of being grandiose.
GRANDIOSE n. imposing; bombastic.
LARYNGOSPASMSlaryngospasms n. Plural of laryngospasm.
LARYNGOSPASM n. spasmodic closure of the larynx.
OVERASSESSINGoverassessing v. Present participle of overassess.
SERODIAGNOSESserodiagnoses n. Plural of serodiagnosis.
SERODIAGNOSIS n. diagnosis using blood serum reactions.
SERODIAGNOSISserodiagnosis n. (Medicine) A diagnosis based on a reaction of a patient’s blood serum.
SERODIAGNOSIS n. diagnosis using blood serum reactions.
STEGOSAURIANSstegosaurians n. Plural of stegosaurian.
STEGOSAURIAN n. any quadrupedal herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur of the suborder Stegosauria.
TRANSGRESSIONtransgression n. A violation of a law, duty or commandment.
transgression n. An act that goes beyond generally accepted boundaries.
transgression n. (Geology) A relative rise in sea level resulting in deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata.
TRANSGRESSORStransgressors n. Plural of transgressor.
TRANSGRESSOR n. one who transgresses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 185 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 111 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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