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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, G, 2I, 2N, S and Y

ADMONISHINGLYadmonishingly adv. In an admonishing manner.
ADMONISHING adv. ADMONISH, to reprove mildly.
ASTONISHINGLYastonishingly adv. In an astonishing manner; so as to surprise or astonish.
astonishingly adv. Very; remarkably used as an intensifier.
ASTONISHING adv. ASTONISH, to amaze or shock, also ASTONE, ASTONY.
CONSANGUINITYconsanguinity n. A consanguineous or family relationship through parentage or descent. A blood relationship.
CONSANGUINITY n. relationship by blood.
DESANCTIFYINGdesanctifying v. Present participle of desanctify.
DISENTRAYLINGDISENTRAYLE v. (Spenser) to disembowel, remove the entrails, also DISENTRAIL.
FASCINATINGLYfascinatingly adv. In a fascinating manner.
FASCINATING adv. intriguing.
INSINUATINGLYinsinuatingly adv. In an insinuating way.
INSINUATING adv. INSINUATE, to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSTIGATINGLYinstigatingly adv. So as to instigate or incite; temptingly.
INSTIGATING adv. INSTIGATE, to initiate, bring about.
INTRANSIGENCYintransigency n. Synonym of intransigence.
INTRANSIGENCY n. the state of being intransigent, also INTRANSIGEANCE, INTRANSIGENCE.
LANGUISHINGLYlanguishingly adv. In a languishing manner.
LANGUISHING adv. losing vigor or vitality.
PAINSTAKINGLYpainstakingly adv. In a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully.
PAINSTAKING adv. taking pains.
PATRONISINGLYpatronisingly adv. (Britain, Australia) Alternative spelling of patronizingly.
PATRONISING adv. condescending.
SANCTIFYINGLYsanctifyingly adv. So as to sanctify or make holy.
SIGNIFICANTLYsignificantly adv. In a significant manner or to a significant extent.
SIGNIFICANT adv. having meaning.
TANTALISINGLYtantalisingly adv. In a tantalising manner. Alternative spelling of tantalizingly.
TANTALISING adv. frustratingly enticing.
UNSANCTIFYINGunsanctifying v. Present participle of unsanctify.
unsanctifying adj. That does not sanctify.
UNSANCTIFY v. to remove the sanctity from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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